Żywiec is often associated with a golden drink in a bottle or can. Not without reason - it is here that one of the largest breweries in the country is located and Birofilia, the largest beer festival in Poland, is organized. During the event, you can visit the brewery and the adjacent museum, as well as see a beer brewing and malt-roasting demonstration. Festival participants can also admire folklore shows and listen to concerts of music bands. Brewing contests and games take place on the stock exchange stage, which you can take a closer look at. Viewers have a unique opportunity not only to see all these attractions, but also to taste beers from distant corners of the world.
The first Zywiec brewery fair was organized in 1996 as part of the 140th anniversary of the Żywiec Brewery. A year later, the patronage over it was taken over by the brewery and successively expanded with new events, until it took on the character of a brewing festival. In the meantime, its location changed - the festival was moved to the Żywiec Brewery, to Piwiarnia Żywiecka, where it is held to this day.
Birofilia 2013 - welcome to Żywiec!
The Birofilia festival is a huge event with an international format. For almost 10 years it has been organized in the form of a 2-day festival with a rich program and the possibility of tasting brewed beverages on all continents. It takes place cyclically, in June - this year's edition takes place on June 14-15 , i.e. next weekend. Friday is the Open Day of the Archduke Brewery in Żywiec, which means that from 10 am to 6 pm it will be possible to visit the brewery free of charge. The International Birofilów Exchange will start at 12.00, and the Birofilia Festival at 4.00 PM. The event will last until midnight - then the concert of the Studio 54 band will end.
The next day, festival guests will be able to thoroughly broaden their knowledge of beer. If they previously divided them into light, dark, very dark (porter) and flavored, after Birophilia they will realize how little they knew about the richness of flavors and types. There will be beer brewing demonstrations, and you will also be able to listen to a lecture on the art of serving and the history of beer creation over the past 20 years. At 7 p.m. we will get to know the best home beer of the year - Grand Championa Birofilia 2013 . An hour later, Plastic will perform and the event will end as the day before, at midnight.

534 types of beer - only at the Birofilia Festival
Every year the number of people interested in participating in the festival increases - this applies to both breweries participating in competitions and beer lovers wishing to discover new flavors. In 2012, 59 types of beer were submitted in total in 3 competition categories. The big winner of the festival was Rauchbock , a smoked goat, which received the title of Grand Champion 2012. This is a strong beer and, as its author himself claims, perfect for winter. As the winner of the competition, it went on sale the same year, in Mikołajki.
It will be similar with the winner of the title this year, and it must be admitted that there are plenty of competitors. In Aleja Piw, one of the greatest attractions of Birophilia, you will be able to try beers from all over the world. In 2013, there are 534 items on the list of beers available on Aleja. In addition to beers from Poland, Germany, England, the Netherlands, the USA, Italy and the Czech Republic, you will be able to taste drinks from such exotic places as Tanzania, Laos, the Philippines and Kenya. Breweries from Australia, Mexico, Israel and South Korea also exhibited their species. The variety of tastes and aromas of beers suggests that Aleja will be an exceptionally crowded place. Festival guests will be able to taste individual types of beers using 125 ml mugs. If they like a particular species, they will be able to buy it in the festival shop.
The event extends its program every year. There are also sad changes - the annual tradition of the festival was the visit of Maria Krystyna Altenburg, a Polish aristocrat with the title of Duchess von Altenburg. Unfortunately, the princess died on October 2, 2012.

Where to stay during the festival?
Due to the huge interest in the festival, people willing to participate in it should arrange accommodation in advance. From 6 am on Saturday (15/06), guests will have access to a large car park by the river . You can leave your car on it, and - which is extremely important - a motorhome will easily enter it. The second option is to contact Hotel Dębina. It is a center that is professionally prepared to handle this type of traffic. It is located at ul. Kopernika 4, approx. 3 km from the center of Żywiec.
Motorhome owners (and others) can use one more option. They are offered by , located on the very shores of Lake Żywieckie. The location in a beautiful environment, in the vicinity of one of the most attractive recreational and recreational areas of the Beskid Mały and Żywiecki, will not only allow you to quickly reach Piwiarnia Żywiecka, but also have a good rest. Many festival participants will make a quick decision to extend their stay in the city.
Żywiec tempts not only with beer
The Birofilia festival attracts more and more people to Żywiec, but it is not the only attraction of the city. Noteworthy is the beautiful Castle Park located next to the Habsburg Palace (New Castle) and the Old Castle. There are many old trees in it, including many exotic species, and among the ponds there is a historic gazebo - the Chinese House. In 2012, the Miniature Park was established in the park. The City Museum in the Old Castle is also very popular among tourists. It is divided into individual sections, including the archeology section, the ethnographic section and the nature section. In the museum there is a library with a reading room and the "Rycerska" Café.
The city is also famous for its beautiful sacred buildings, including the 19th-century St. Florian with a wooden altar and two columns. The Church of St. Mark with an interesting turret - in its recess there is a 17th-century polychrome bas-relief of St. Mark. The amateurs of monuments will probably also visit the 19th-century Jewish cemetery with several hundred matzevot.
Another attraction of the city is its location in the Żywiec Valley, close to the mountains. It is a great starting point for trips to the Beskid Żywiecki, Mały and Śląski. Another advantage is Żywieckie Lake , a favorite place for recreation and relaxation of many residents and tourists. In winter, the region is crowded with skiers visiting the nearby winter sports centers in Szczyrk, Zwardoń and Korbielów. As you can see, Żywiec attracts visitors all year round and it is worth visiting not only during the Birofilia Festival.
A writer by profession, a passion of a cat. One day he will see what is behind the Urals - good to Vladivostok. So far, when he can, he enjoys the sun of the countries of southern Europe. And it's also fun;)