Once upon a time, the original idea itself was not enough to make it happen. He had to wait until its author, in the proverbial sweat of his brow, collected the appropriate means and only then could he arise. Today, in the era of quick contact with practically the whole world, you can help creative people achieve their goals. How? By being involved in it.
Social action has power - it sounds like a slogan, but it's true. They prove that together you can achieve more, faster and easier. You can help make someone's dream come true by adding a brick and building the foundations of an idea with the help of many hands.
How to support dreams?
One of the services that enable such help is Wspieram.to . It operates on the basis of crowdfunding - each project that appears on it can be supported by funding it with your contribution. The website is a platform that makes it easier for creative people to implement their ideas, and offers interesting prizes to Internet users who contribute to it. It is enough to transfer a certain amount by selecting the threshold to which it is assigned. Thanks to this, the supporter will not only help the authors of the project, but will also ensure the opportunity to receive a special thank you (e.g. greetings in the form of a video recording or an advertising space for your product).
It is worth noting that supporting the concepts is completely safe, and the portal does not charge any commission from the helpers. Wspieram.to provides a unique method of financial support on the "all-or-nothing" principle. In order for the authors of projects to receive the collected amount, it is necessary to collect it in full. If the idea is not fully funded by the deadline, all the "building blocks" will be returned to the donors.
Funky Camper on Wspieram.to
We have already mentioned the idea of the Funky Camper group, which in June plans to become the eyes of Internet users and visit Poland in an old motorhome. Her dream is to restore a 28-year-old vehicle and set off on an adventure, meet interesting people and prove that there are many beautiful places in our country that are worth seeing.
A group of enthusiasts from Biała-Podlaska wants to create a unique alternative tourist map of Poland together with Internet users. Each of the supporters can become its author. It can show the most interesting places in its region and thus make them known to a wider audience - Funky Camper will visit them and present them to Internet users.
Together, we can do more. Another sentence that sounds like a slogan is the honest truth. Anyone can help the team achieve the goal by paying a small amount at the link: https://wspieram.to/funkycamper
A writer by profession, a passion of a cat. One day he will see what is behind the Urals - good to Vladivostok. So far, when he can, he enjoys the sun of the countries of southern Europe. And it's also fun;)