How to save when traveling by plane?

In times of constantly rising costs, we are looking for better and better solutions to optimize travel costs. Flying can be cheap, provided you know how to plan a trip. Thanks to this, we can visit more and see beautiful places without ruining our budget. How to fly cheaply?
Searching for cheap flights – don't get too attached to the date
If we want to fly cheaply, first of all we need to be prepared to travel outside the season. When others fly to popular destinations, tickets are expensive. Therefore, it is usually more difficult to find a good flight price in summer than in other seasons. You also need to be flexible. What does it mean? Let's not look for good flights on a specific date, but for dates with a favorable travel price. Thanks to this, we can find really good flight prices and travel cheaply. When choosing a date, you also need to buy a return ticket immediately. Here, too, it is necessary to optimize costs so that the final price of the entire trip is favorable. Sometimes it is worth extending your stay rather than returning earlier, but with a more expensive return ticket.
Luggage size and flight costs
Luggage has a huge impact on the cost of an airline ticket. The cheapest way is to travel only with hand luggage, which does not require paying additional fees. Unfortunately, it is very small and sometimes difficult to pack even for a few days. If we are flying for a longer period, a medium or large suitcase that can hold a lot of things will come in handy. Of course, it increases the ticket price, but at the same time ensures comfort during travel. Such suitcases are especially useful on further or longer journeys, as well as when a child is traveling with us. If we are flying as a family, it is worth remembering that we do not all have to have the same tickets! You can also optimize the price and choose, for example, two tickets with hand luggage and one with a medium or large suitcase.
It doesn't matter where, as long as it's cheap!
If we want to travel cheaply, it is not worth getting attached to the destination. This means we can simply take advantage of the best deals, no matter where we fly to. Venice, Amsterdam, Berlin, Milan or Barcelona - if we haven't been to any of these places, let's rely primarily on the ticket price and fly to where it's currently cheap! Thanks to this, we can visit all of Europe and beyond, taking advantage of the best discounts at a given time. It's a great way to travel cheaply and see fascinating places without damaging your wallet.
Search for cheap flights online!
Where to look for such flights? Of course, on the websites of airlines such as Ryanair or Wizzair, but not only. It is worth visiting brokers, i.e. websites that collect airline offers and find the best prices. Sometimes you have to take into account transfers, but in the end the price is very affordable. Thanks to such search engines, you can easily find a good connection at the best price, and at the same time monitor price changes and adjust to what is on offer.
Today, cheap flying is still possible, so it's worth taking advantage of it and getting to know the fascinating world and places.
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