Paris different from the movies

It will be a story about Paris different from the one known to most of us. There will be no descriptions of romantic dinners at a table overlooking the Eiffel Tower or the delights of the Champs Elysees. No photos in front of the Arc de Triomphe. We will not visit the Louvre Museum and stop in front of the Notre Dame Cathedral to look for the famous Beetle. But we will look at other, equally interesting places.
Everyone knows Paris, even if they've never been to it. We have seen the beautiful scenery of the city of love in so many films that it seems that you will feel at ease upon arrival. And at the same time, before the trip, tourists feel excited about visiting this unique place. A special name was even created - the Paris syndrome. Some scientists believe that this is a painful amazement that it is not as beautiful as it is on the screen and it mainly affects Japanese tourists, disappointed with the reality they find. It is probably better, however, to accept the first opinion - that this syndrome is a fascination and joyful tension before arrival, which can even manifest itself in an acceleration of the heart rate.
So let's go. Wandering down Lepic Street, we can drop by for a coffee at Café des Deux Moulins. It is a cafe known to all fans of the movie "Amelia". We will probably also pay attention to the characteristic red door, of which there are quite a lot. They have this color for a reason (the default ones may associate the symbolic red with the movie "Moulin Rouge") - brothels are located behind such doors.
And since Moulin Rouge is a Montmartre district with lots of narrow streets. In Krakow, its counterpart would probably be Kazimierz - just like on it, on the Montmartre hill there is a specific atmosphere. It used to be a favorite place of artistic bohemia, and today the area is flooded with tourists and loses its original atmosphere a bit. Tourist attractions include the most famous flea market in Paris and booksellers market. At Place Marcel Aymé, you can take a look at the unlucky hero of the French writer's short story. This hero could penetrate walls, but one day he got stuck in one and is stuck like that until now.
At Place du Tertre, you can order a portrait painted by one of the local artists. Of course, for a fee - you can't even take pictures of artists' works for free, because they don't allow it. It is also worth visiting the museum of one of the most original artists, Salvador Dali - l'Espace Dali. And if someone is planning a trip in early October, they will manage to participate in the Montmartre Wine Harvest Festival. Together with others, he will be able to celebrate the end of the harvest and the opening of the wine season with a ceremonial glass. And then concerts and a big party.
When we get down from Montmartre, you can visit the 19th district. We can get there by metro ( Buttes Chaumont or Botzaris station), and on site we will find the favorite park of Parisians, i.e. Park des Buttes Chaumont. It's the perfect place for a picnic with a blanket and a basket full of food - no one will chase us off the grass. It is good to know when you can enter: in the season (May 1 - September 20) it is open from 7 to 22, and in winter from 7 to 21 It is surrounded by numerous cafes, and in the park itself there are many fancifully twisted old trees and streams cascades, there are even artificial rocks and a suspension bridge. There is also a treat for lovers of esotericism - on a 30-meter high hill, created by a human hand, there is the Temple of the Sibyl. Stylized as antique, it was created in the 19th century, and legends say that it stands in the center of a pentagram. What more does it take to attract daredevils?
If we want to relax in one of the city parks, for example in the Boulon Forest or on the Field of Mars, we may have a problem finding a bench. In the local parks, they are rather absent, but there are chairs that you can place in any place you choose. True, how clever and comfortable? On the other hand, if you prefer to rest on the Seine, you will probably be interested in the fact that the tropical beach is re-created every year. For over ten years, several thousand tons of sand have been imported before the season to ensure the comfort of sunbathers.
While strolling around the Latin Quarter, look for La Rue du Chat-qui-Pêche (translate to 'Street of a cat that catches fish'). If only to take a walk - after all, it is one of the narrowest streets in Paris. And those who want to see the smallest Parisian house should head to the 10th arrondissement, 39 Rue du Château-d'Eau. There is a two-story house with a width of only 1.20 m. Many guides describe the building at Quai Voltaire 13 under the slogan "the smallest house in Paris", but its façade is 1.40m, so a house from the 10th arrondissement takes precedence, although it is less pretty.
A trip to the capital of France, called by many the heart of the world, is an adventure of a lifetime - even if it is not as wonderful, sweet and romantic as in the movies. And apart from the fact that it is better to know French, because the people of the country on the Seine have a reluctance to use a language other than theirs, it is worth coming here. Drink great wine, try famous cheeses and listen to the sad sounds of French music. And then, as we leave, we'll catch ourselves chanting "Aux Champes Elysees" by Joe Dassin more than once.
A writer by profession, a passion of a cat. One day he will see what is behind the Urals - good to Vladivostok. So far, when he can, he enjoys the sun of the countries of southern Europe. And it's also fun;)