Holiday essentials - travel insurance

Holidays are a time of carefreeness and fun, at least until something happens. This "something" could be a sprained leg, a sudden illness or the need to seek dental help abroad. The financial consequences of such unpleasant surprises will not allow us to forget about our vacation for a long time.
Safety while on holiday abroad
When preparing for a longer camper trip, we usually make a list of things to take, pack the necessary clothes, medicines and food. We designate the route and choose the places we would like to visit along the way. Vacation is a pleasant, long-awaited time of the year. Few people think about the dangers that may arise while resting. However, it is worth being pessimistic for a while, because it allows you to protect yourself against the unpleasant effects of various events.
So let's not forget about insurance protection. The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) itself is not enough , although of course it is worth having it with you at all times. The card confirms the right to use necessary health services at the expense of the National Health Fund during a temporary stay in another EU Member State or an EFTA country.
However, the health service in each of these countries operates on different principles, so the scope of medical care guaranteed under the EHIC varies, depending on the place of stay. For this reason, the card does not guarantee that we will be able to use, for example, free visits to a family doctor or ambulance transport, or that we will not pay extra for a hospital stay. The EHIC will not cover the cost of medical transport to the country and generally does not work in the case of a rescue or search operation (e.g. in the mountains).
Purchasing travel insurance gives you a much greater sense of security and ensures the insurer's support in most accidents that may happen to you.
Unlike the EHIC, travel insurance generally covers all medical costs (in public and private medical facilities). However, it is worth remembering that the insurer will only cover costs that fall within the established limit of its financial responsibility. Such a limit is set for all expenses in total, as well as separately for selected health services (e.g. the amount of reimbursement for dental treatment may be EUR 100).
Travel insurance can work virtually anywhere in the world. Typically, insurers' offers are divided into three variants: Poland, Europe and World, so you can choose the variant that suits your needs.
What should a travel insurance policy cover?
Of course, it all depends on individual needs - a different scope of protection will be useful for families traveling abroad, who will spend most of their time at the campsite and on the beach, and a different one for caravanners who are also lovers of climbing or diving.
The most basic scope of the policy should include insurance for medical expenses (KL) and assistance. You can also add an extension to include civil liability insurance (OC) and personal accident insurance (NNW).
Treatment costs insurance covers costs such as doctor visits, medical tests, necessary advice and consultations, days spent in hospital, treatments and surgeries, purchase of medicines, dressings and other medical accessories. The services also cover medical transport (ambulance, helicopter) and the patient's return home .
If we are diagnosed with a chronic condition (e.g. diabetes) that requires permanent and specialized treatment, we must remember to extend the policy. Otherwise, the insurer will not cover the costs of medical assistance resulting from a sudden exacerbation of such a disease.
Assistance means that, if necessary, we will receive information and medical assistance , e.g. a conversation with a medical advisor who will tell us what to do in an emergency situation and which medical facility we can go to closest. To get the support you need, just call the insurance company's emergency center (hotline). The hotline is usually open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, including holidays.
In this case, Personal Accident Insurance (NNW) is an addition to travel insurance (although it can also be used as a stand-alone policy). Compensation is paid in the event of bodily injury or death of the insured person (in this case, the compensation will be received by the entitled person, i.e. the closest relative). Health damage, e.g. a broken arm, is always specified in the General Terms and Conditions. This is a percentage of the sum insured that we receive from the insurer. Remember that 100% of the benefit is paid only in the event of death.
Private liability insurance during a trip abroad protects us if we (we, our children) cause damage to someone outside the family (the so-called third party). This may result in bodily or property damage. For example, while playing volleyball on the beach, we throw the ball so accidentally that it breaks a window in a nearby restaurant or hits someone in the head, knocking out their tooth. In such a case, the cost of compensation will be covered by the policy. However, please remember that this insurance does not protect you if you cause damage while driving a motor vehicle (that's what third party liability insurance is for). It also won't work if we destroy the interior of the camper we rented.
Travel insurance and COVID
On March 11, the World Health Organization announced a pandemic, i.e. an epidemic of an infectious disease occurring in many different environments, over a huge area, on different continents. Travel stopped for a while, now it is slowly coming back, but tourists have to adapt to the new reality. Insurance too.
Fortunately, many insurance companies have already adapted their offers to the current situation. The risk of contracting COVID-19 is now covered by their policies and will cover, for example, the costs of outpatient and hospital treatment and the organization of returning home if we become infected with the virus.
To be sure, you should always check before purchasing a policy whether it covers COVID-19 or whether the exclusions include a pandemic or epidemic. The easiest way to check it is in the General Terms and Conditions.
Unfortunately, COVID-related trip cancellation insurance is excluded in virtually all products available on the market at the time of writing.
Let's also keep up to date with the announcements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the situation in the country we are going to. Although most EU countries have lifted restrictions, the situation is constantly changing.
Travel insurance can be purchased on our website
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