The GOLDEN CAMPING Plebiscite, 2024 edition, has started. Choose the best campsites in the country!

The GOLDEN CAMPING Plebiscite, 2024 edition, has started. Choose the best campsites in the country!  – main image

This is the first such plebiscite in the Polish camping industry. The "Polska Grupa Caravaningowa" association, the industry channel "", our CampRest publishing house and the largest caravanning fair Caravans Salon have joined forces to create "Golden Campings" - a tool that will select the best camping sites in nine different categories. The first stage has just begun , in which everyone can take part - we are collecting Candidates!

So far, Polish camping sites, campsites, tents, camper parks and other parking and parking spaces for campers, caravans and tents have neither had a representative office nor a competition that would represent the appropriate level. Thus, the events organized so far took place only among a closed group of owners and tenants of camping sites and omitted the voice of the most important people, i.e. camping and caravanning tourists themselves. It is their voice that is the most important, they decide which campsite they will choose for their vacation, holiday or a simple "city break".

- We decided to change this by following the example of competitions and plebiscites held abroad. This is how the "Golden Campsites" were created - a plebiscite designed to select the best campsites in nine different, most important categories - explains Bartłomiej Ryś, creator of the "" channel and the originator of the entire project.

He adds that it's not just about the competition itself.

We want to jointly promote all places friendly to caravanning tourists in Poland. So far, campsites have not had an institution or association that they could count on and that would help them, for example in advertising and marketing matters. Bearing in mind that our country is extremely beautiful and diverse and that new parking spaces are constantly being created, we must ensure its proper promotion. The plebiscite is divided into several stages. In the first one , anyone interested can report a selected object and assign it to the appropriate category. The jury then reviews the applications, updates them on an ongoing basis and starts voting on August 4 - this is stage number two, which will last until the end of the summer holidays, i.e. until August 31. The results will be announced online on September 8, but the official gala combined with a meeting of all interested owners, tenants and managers of camping sites will take place on October 4 at the largest caravanning fair in Poland - Caravans Salon 2024.

9 categories to choose from

The jury proposed a total of 9 different categories:

  • Best small campsite - location offering no more than 30 parking spaces (according to information provided by the owner of the site)
  • The best medium campsite - a location offering from 31 to 100 parking spaces
  • The best large campsite - a location offering over 100 parking spaces
  • The best campsite for children - a place offering the largest number of attractions in its area for children (up to 17 years of age)
  • The best campsite for pets - a place offering the greatest number of attractions and amenities on its premises for pet owners
  • A campsite with a TOP location - a place offering parking spaces in a fantastic location, with a beautiful view
  • FUN camping - a place with the best attractions in its area for everyone (children and adults)
  • GASTRO CAMPING - a place with the best food in your area
  • Temple of Dumania - a place offering the best-equipped, best-looking and best-maintained sanitary facilities (toilets, showers, dishwashing rooms).

In the first stage of collecting Candidates, everyone can submit their favorite campsite and add it to any category. This stage will last until July 31. The organizers will analyze the applications on an ongoing basis and add camping sites to individual categories. Voting will start on August 4 - also open, everyone will be able to vote in a given category. It will last until the end of the summer holidays, i.e. until August 31.

Campsite rewards

Knowing that camping sites struggle with problems related to the lack of appropriate advertising and marketing, the Organizers proposed prizes in the plebiscite that will fill this gap. And yes:

  • the list of winners (first 3 places in each category) will be presented and then promoted through the "Caravans Salon", "Polska Grupa Caravaningowa" and "Na Biwaku" channels
  • the "" website will prepare a separate, dedicated video material presenting the winners of the Plebiscite and thus presenting the best camping sites in our country
  • There will also be a video coverage of the awards ceremony during the official gala
  • Press releases about the Plebiscite and its Winners will be prepared and then distributed
  • there will be no shortage of commemorative plaques to hang at the reception desks
  • and the Caravans Salon fair will offer attractive exhibition conditions for the winners of the plebiscite for the next Caravans Salon Poland 2025 fair.

Final Gala and meeting place

The best camping sites (three in each category) will be announced in the form of online results on September 8. However, the official Final Gala combined with the awards ceremony will take place on October 4 at the Poznań International Fair during the largest caravanning fair in Poland, i.e. Caravans Salon 2024.

- All interested tenants , owners and managers of camping sites are invited to the final Gala today .We want to give representatives of the camping industry a space where they can meet, talk, exchange experiences and, with our help, develop new solutions and tools that will effectively increase the turnover of this tourism sector. The caravanning industry is growing year by year and it's high time for campsites and other parking spaces for campers and caravans to also have their representatives - explains Bartłomiej Ryś.

He adds that the plebiscite is only the first step towards the broad promotion of Polish camping sites. At first on the national arena and later also on the European arena.


1. Nominating places for the Plebiscite: until July 31, 2024 (here: )

2. Online voting: from August 4 to 31, 2024 (here: )

3. Online results: September 8, 2024

4. Final Gala, awards ceremony, business meeting of camping site representatives: October 4 during the Caravans Salon 2024 fair in Poznań

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