Avid enthusiasts of exploring new corners of the world have up their sleeve many stories about meetings with various species of plants and animals. While traveling - especially in southern European countries - you can often encounter more or less nice creatures.
The light and shadow of the journey
If contact with them is limited to mutual attention, it remains to enjoy new experiences. If, however, this contact is more direct, pain arises and, in the worst cases, even life-threatening. How can you protect yourself against it? In the case of familiar mosquitoes or flies, an effective agent is a repellent with an intense smell. It doesn't have to be a strong chemical spray - mosquitoes hate the smell of eucalyptus oil, patchouli, vanilla and lemongrass. What about more exotic creatures?
How to protect yourself from attack?
In warmer countries, such as Croatia and Greece, you have to take your steps carefully, especially when walking in slightly higher grass or between trees. It is not uncommon to come across scorpions or small snakes. Caution is especially recommended for tourists camping in tents or motorhomes - they should carefully check clothes before putting them on, look inside their shoes and search all nooks and crannies before going to bed.
Warmer regions of Europe are also home to the rhinoceros viper, which has legends that it likes to attack people from trees. In fact, in the fall you can see it on some branch - it twists between them, hunting for birds. Unattended, it does not attack, but when an inattentive tourist touches it, it can painfully bite it in defense. Caution is extremely important - the bite of this viper is often fatal. The bite site must be ligated and the bitten person must be transported to the hospital as soon as possible for a serum injection.
Water hazard
When walking along the pebble beaches and rocky shores , do not forget about footwear. You should even bathe in shoes, otherwise you risk painfully stepping on the sea urchin. Footwear should have hard rubber soles to protect the feet from spikes.
Another danger we are exposed to in the water is jellyfish. There is no special way to protect yourself from them - most often you do not notice them until they come into contact with human skin. Encountering a jellyfish living in the Mediterranean or Black Sea can be very dangerous to your health. You can wash the burned area with lemon juice, sea water, and spread it with tomato. If you have difficulty breathing or vomiting, or have had an allergic reaction, call a doctor quickly.
By listing the dangerous situations that we may encounter while on vacation, it is by no means intended to discourage travel. It is about being careful not to bring from your vacation an unpleasant souvenir in the form of a burn or a scar, and not to buy other memories from the beautiful beaches - from the hospital.
A writer by profession, a passion of a cat. One day he will see what is behind the Urals - good to Vladivostok. So far, when he can, he enjoys the sun of the countries of southern Europe. And it's also fun;)