With each subsequent trip to the campsite, we are wiser about ideas that will make our stay easier. Cosmetic portions, toilet paper and soap tricks - there are tons of ideas. They just need to be discovered.
The simplest ideas are the best, but the hardest to come up with. How to put all the things in one backpack that will ensure a pleasant stay without having to carry a dozen or so kilograms on your back? How do I keep the soap clean and dry in my tent? How to protect the toilet paper against moisture?
Motorhome owners do not have this type of problem - in their case, cosmetics are safely hidden inside the vehicle and they are not at risk of raining or losing their belongings while packing. Those who prefer to stay in a tent often need to be more organized, inventive and cautious. First of all, because they have limited space, but also because they often carry their belongings on their backs and the skilful selection of things is extremely important in their case. The less the better, but without going to extremes, so that the trip does not turn into a pilgrimage of an ascetic.
Toilet paper is one of those things that we simply have to take with us - unless we intend to live in harmony with nature and like King Julian to rub ourselves with leaves. We often stuff it in a backpack, squeezing it mercilessly (some break the roll in two to save space), and then throw it into the corner of the tent, where it quickly gains moisture. Meanwhile, it is easy to protect against it by hiding the roll in a plastic bag or in a plastic package. It could be, for example, a coffee can. It is enough to make an oblong hole on the side, slide out a piece of paper and we have easy access to always dry leaves.
Minimalism rules!
It is not without reason that miniatures of shampoos, shower gels and lotions have been invented. They take up little space, so when you are on vacation you can use them up completely and get rid of the packaging. We can prepare some mini cosmetics on our own and add them to the camping set. It is a good idea to cut a bar of soap with a knife or vegetable peeler. The resulting petals can be hidden in a special container and used if necessary in the camping bathroom. This will save us the dubious pleasure of using a damp bar of soap, which in a tent is often stuck to various types of "farfocle" (eg sand). Of course, we can take a soap dish with us, but for some travelers it is an unnecessary luxury, taking up space in a backpack.
We can also prepare portions of toothpaste . Instead of taking a whole tube into the tent, we can pack individual "parcels" into the backpack, squeezed into a drinking straw and cut into pieces. Burn each piece on both sides with a lighter to close the sides - and it's ready.
In cosmetic stores, you can easily find miniature soap that does not require the use of water. When we feel the need to wash our hands, we can squeeze some soap onto our hands and just rub them. Another useful thing is dry shampoo. We will appreciate both cosmetics especially when there are long lines to camping showers or when we are camping in a place without access to water. Imaginative, easy to buy or make - so simple and so pleasant to stay in a tent .
A writer by profession, a passion of a cat. One day he will see what is behind the Urals - good to Vladivostok. So far, when he can, he enjoys the sun of the countries of southern Europe. And it's also fun;)