Differences between a naturally aspirated and a turbocharged engine - service and operation

Differences between a naturally aspirated and a turbocharged engine - service and operation – main image

In passenger cars or campers there are gasoline and diesel engines (for obvious reasons most campers get diesel engines) - both naturally aspirated and turbo-charged . Unfortunately - for a large group of drivers, the differences between them (in terms of operating costs, performance and characteristics) remain unknown.

For such a prosaic reason, many of us decide to buy a vehicle, the subsequent driving and servicing costs of which turn out to be far too high for our pocket. Before making a final decision, however, we should learn more about the important differences between naturally aspirated and turbo-charged units .

For some reason, many drivers believe that every gasoline engine (even equipped with a turbocharger and other complex accessories) is easy to build and use, which translates into low operating expenses. Nothing could be more wrong - a modern gasoline unit also causes problems .

Naturally aspirated engine

Even in the 90s , diesel engines without supercharging were very popular. These naturally aspirated gravity engines had little power and torque , and in return didn't require much. Contrary to modern diesel units - their service is almost limited to regular oil, filter and timing changes . Any serious failures are almost always the fault of the user or extreme wear and tear of the equipment. What's more - the injection system of naturally aspirated diesel engines from the past was extremely durable - driving on low-quality diesel fuel (or even heating oil) does not cause any damage. The situation is similar in the case of gasoline engines without expensive accessories - systematic service is enough .

Turbocharged units

Things get complicated when it comes to turbocharged engines . Regardless of whether we are dealing with a gasoline or diesel unit - we have to take into account the advanced design , and thus - higher operating expenses . After some time, the turbine itself will require replacement or regeneration (regeneration cost PLN 900-1500, replacement PLN 1500-5000 ). Turbocharged engines also have a precise injection system that does not tolerate low-quality fuel - even small quality defects can lead to damage . Unfortunately - even a properly used car will demand replacement of the injectors (which will cost up to PLN 1,800 apiece ).

The service of turbocharged units is also more complicated . Additional engine equipment does not make the task easier for an inexperienced mechanic - it also takes up a lot of space under the hood, effectively hindering access to the engine .

Currently, cars and motorhomes are produced almost exclusively with supercharged engines . Their greater efficiency, dynamics, work culture and fuel consumption speak in favor of similar designs. However, they are not as durable as naturally aspirated units .

Maciej Mokwiński
Maciej Mokwiński

I follow the latest trends in the automotive industry, not only in caravanning

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