If you do not intend to use a caravan in winter, you should spend some time and attention on it before it catches heavy frost and snowfall. Thanks to this, it will serve you better in the summer season.
The ideal situation is the possibility of closing the caravan in a garage, preferably heated. However, few people have a garage for a trailer. In practice, the shelter itself can be a luxury, under which the trailer will be protected against snow and ice. However, if you do not have any roofing, you can cover the caravan with a special cover - it is important that it is a special cover for caravans that will be sufficiently airy . Tarpaulins that are impermeable to air should not be used.
Cleanup inside
However, before you hide the caravan under the cover, try to clean it as thoroughly as possible. Dust and dirt is a breeding ground for bacteria. If the trailer is not to be used for several months, it is a good idea to leave it in the best condition. All compartments and drawers must be dry . If it is too late to ventilate them naturally, fans and electric heaters can be used. After cleaning and airing, the cabinets and the refrigerator should be left open .
If the trailer windows have an unsealing option that allows fresh air access while protecting the window from rain, use this option. This will allow air to circulate constantly. The ventilation holes should also be left open . Moisture absorbers can be placed inside the trailer for winter.
All tanks should be drained and, to be sure , the entire plumbing can be blown out with compressed air . The taps should be turned on and left in this position for the whole winter. Any pipes can then be filled with a preservative. The same should be done with the chemical toilet cassette.
It is worth checking if the gas in the cylinder is not leaking . If not, the cylinder can be left in the trailer, although some recommend detaching it and moving it to a warmer room. If it turns out that the installation is not fully sealed, be sure to take the cylinder outside the trailer and release the gas from it (of course, away from the source of fire).
It is best to leave the mattresses upright or take them home. Bed linen and rugs should also be taken out.
Protection outside
Before winter, take care not only of the interior of the trailer. Wash it from the outside, using plenty of water and car body cleaner . You can coat the body with a thick layer of wax for better protection.
If the vehicle will winter on wheels, it is advisable to pressurize them above 3 bar . If the wheels are removed, set the supports correctly (in accordance with the trailer manufacturer's instructions). Remember that they should be placed on a hard and stable surface.
In order not to damage the structure of the trailer, it should not be left only on the supports and before unscrewing the wheels, blocks of appropriate height should be placed under the axles - recommends the Camper-Team "inhalt" forum member.
Grease the tow bar and then cover the tow bar and drawbar tightly with foil so that snow and rain cannot get in there. If the trailer is under a cloud, the snow should be removed from the roof from time to time.
A trailer secured in such a way should serve you well in the next hot season.
Sometimes it is better to get lost than to ask for directions too much. Aldous Huxley