How to prepare for a trip when a gusty wind blows? It is definitely not worth hurrying then, because nervousness and high speed can only make such a trip more difficult for us. We will do better by accepting the fact that we will reach our destination much later than usual.
When winds of 90-100 km / h or more are blowing, the roads get especially dangerous. Then, if possible, it is best to give up driving and leave the car away from poles, trees or other elements that could fall over the car.
First of all - slower!
However, if the wind hit us during the trip or we cannot give up the trip, then we should prepare in advance that we will be going to our destination even twice as long as in favorable weather conditions.
Before leaving, let's give up the elements that can be very disturbing in bad weather - for example, it is worth removing the roof rack.
Once we are on the route, try to drive at a lower speed than usual - 50-60 km / h outside the built-up area may be the optimal value. At this speed, we have a chance to brake early enough, e.g. when we see broken branches or a fallen tree. Remember that this can be quite a common sight. It is worth straining your eyes to spot obstacles on the route as early as possible.
It blows strongest in unprotected places
Strong wind is most noticeable on bridges and on exposed road sections. Therefore, this is where the easiest way to reduce the grip is. This problem will increase even more if we start to brake or turn in such an exposed place.
Let's also prepare for difficulties when, after driving along a lane of buildings or a forest, we suddenly enter an open space. At this point, the wind can hit the car with great force (the faster we go).
Departure from behind the forest or behind the wall of noise barriers will be particularly noticeable when traveling in a motorhome, delivery van or passenger car with a trailer. This is because such vehicles have a large lateral area.
When driving a large car or a combination with a trailer, it is also important to distribute the load properly. Luggage should be placed evenly over the entire surface of the car or trailer and in such a way that the heaviest items are as low as possible.
Waiting for the traffic jam ...
When going on a trip of several hours during bad weather conditions, it is worth taking a thermos, blanket, water, as well as chocolate (or chocolate bars) with you. Chocolate can provide us with an "energy kick" if it turns out that we will spend in traffic jams longer than planned. When preparing for traffic jams, it is also worth refueling with as much fuel as possible.
Strong winds in winter are not uncommon. Meteorologists have calculated that windy days last 15-30% of the time of the year. Therefore, it is good not to ignore the above tips and remember that strong wind often goes hand in hand with other "attractions", such as snowstorms and ice on the road.
Sometimes it is better to get lost than to ask for directions too much. Aldous Huxley