For some, winter is the time they would like to sleep like a bear, for others it is the time when they live more intensely than in summer, especially when they love the snow that squeaks under their boots.
In winter, you can observe an increase in the number of patients of plastic clinics who undergo treatments to be beautiful for the holidays . For them, this is the time when you can transform from a duckling to a swan. Regardless of how we intend to spend the winter, it is definitely worth using this time well, and not vegetating prosaically, counting down the days to holidays.
But what if we want to be active and viruses are lurking outside the window? How to avoid being defeated by the first mycobacterium that attacks us? It is best to take care of the body's immunity in advance and toughen up properly.
We are not afraid of winter!
We put on onion rings so as not to overheat or get cold. Let us not trust the weather, as it may turn out to be treacherous - hence the increased number of cases when it is temporarily warmer. After returning home, let's reach for tea with cinnamon, hot milk with honey or garlic or cocoa with whipped cream. We will be warmed up decently, as the name suggests, by mulled wine with the addition of spices .
There is nothing worse than spending a winter vacation with a handkerchief, sneezing, freezing and taking turns sweating. Sightseeing is not a joy when you dream of taking a solid dose of antipyretic powders and a duvet. When you have a headache or cough, gargling with water with a pinch of turmeric and salt can help. On the other hand, with colds, inhalations of eucalyptus oil and ginger will be effective. For dinner you can eat a dish containing little romantic but effective garlic.
If we do not manage to escape the disease, we can use the proven method of our grandmothers - sweat properly. Hot raspberry tea with lemon and honey and 1-2 aspirins or other such agents will help us in this. If home remedies prove ineffective and our well-being does not improve in the next few days, we should see a doctor.
Winter diet
In winter, more attention should be paid to the diet. Ayurveda suggests that it should contain bitter and salty foods that warm up the body from the inside, making us feel less cold outside of it. The winter menu should be enriched with delicious, thick soups and whole wheat bread. Spicy spices, whole grains, buckwheat and millet, as well as fish - this should also not be forgotten.
Let's provide the body with vitamins, including vitamin C that increases immunity. There is, among others in citrus and sauerkraut. Serotonin contained in fish fat will give us energy and improve our mood. B vitamins are also important - they have a positive effect on the nervous system. Potatoes, grains, rice and dairy products will give us them.
Warm, waterproof shoes, appropriate clothing that will not allow us to cool down the body, and a hat. What more do you need? You can go on winter exploring the world.
A writer by profession, a passion of a cat. One day he will see what is behind the Urals - good to Vladivostok. So far, when he can, he enjoys the sun of the countries of southern Europe. And it's also fun;)