Jasło enotourism e-book and its surroundings

We have an invitation for you that you have never seen before - an interesting and practical enotourism e-guide to Jasło and its surroundings, prepared by the Jasło Winemakers Association Vinum pro Cultura in cooperation with EnoPortal.
What's in the e-book?
In the guide, you will find everything an enotourist may need: maps, vineyard descriptions, region characteristics, practical tips and ready-made ideas for trips. The e-guide is a multimedia PDF in which you will find all the necessary information presented in a simple and accessible way. The guide contains many links to enrich its content and facilitate its use. This modern design is perfect for those who love wine and traveling .
We hope that such an invitation will not only convince you that it is worth coming to us, but will also be helpful during eno-tours.
In the guide you will find, among others:
- multimedia maps
- descriptions of all vineyards in the region
- proposals for ready-made enotourism routes
- the characteristics of the region
- tips and tricks
- enotourism essentials.
How to download it?
The enotourism e-guide Jasło and its vicinity can be downloaded from the JSW website:
http://winiarzejaslo.pl/artykul/202/jaslo_i_okolice__epwiedznik_enoturystyczny .
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