Road tolls in Hungary

Road tolls in Hungary – main image

Driving on the highway through Hungary requires purchasing a vignette, currently available only in electronic form. Depending on the vehicle category and the validity of the vignette, prices may vary - please read the most important information about road tolls in Hungary.

Which roads in Hungary are tolled?

The toll road system in Hungary includes motorways and expressways. Both types are marked with the same symbol (letter M and road number), but differ in terms of maximum speed (on motorways - 130 km/h; on expressways - 110 km/h). However, the toll requirements are the same.

The total length of toll sections throughout the country is almost 2,000 km, and the motorway network is constantly being developed. It is worth remembering that many of them run through the country's borders with other countries, so when planning an international route you should take into account the places where you cross the borders. Some sections of motorways are exempt from tolls, but these are quite short sections - therefore a vignette is required for virtually all drivers.

The road toll system in Hungary

Road tolls in Hungary for vehicles with a total permissible weight of up to 3.5 tons are paid via a vignette. It is currently available only in electronic form, which replaced the previously used window stickers. Vignettes have a specific validity and allow you to travel any number of kilometers within a specified time. When preparing to drive through Hungary, it is also worth familiarizing yourself with the local terminology, which may differ significantly from the nomenclature in other countries:

  • Hungarian: matrica – vignette (or e-matrica – e-vignette);
  • útdíj – road toll;
  • autópálya – highway;
  • auto – expressway.

Importantly, e-vignettes are only applicable to vehicles whose GVM (permissible total weight) does not exceed 3.5 tons. For vehicles above this limit, a separate HU-GO system is used.

Vignettes in Hungary – vehicle categories and validity periods

There are four categories within the e-vignette system:

  • D1M – motorcycles (except year-round vignettes);
  • D1 - cars weighing up to 3.5 tons, which can carry up to 7 people, along with trailers, as well as year-round vignettes for motorcycles, this category also includes campers ;
  • D2 – passenger cars with more than 7 seats, campers (up to 3.5 tons), light trucks (up to 3.5 tons);
  • U – trailers pulled by vehicles classified in category D2.

Additionally, vignettes are divided in terms of importance:

  • one-day vignette (introduced on April 1, 2024) - valid from the moment of purchase until the end of the day, if purchased earlier, valid for the entire 24 hours of the selected day;
  • 10-day vignette (sometimes called "weekly") - until the end of the day on the day of purchase and for 9 full subsequent days;
  • 30-day vignette - until the same day in the next month (or until the end of the next month if a given day is not included - e.g. when purchasing a vignette on January 30, it is valid until February 28 or 29);
  • annual vignette – until January 31 of the following year.

Where can you buy vignettes for Hungary and what are the prices in 2024?

Hungarian e-vignettes can be purchased online or at sales points located at gas stations and border crossings. To save time and reduce the risk of a penalty for not having a vignette, the best option is to buy online - you can do it, for example, here: . Personally, we highly recommend purchasing vignettes in the WIZAX store because, in addition to a simple purchasing system, they also offer a 24-hour hotline in Polish, so if you have any doubts about which vignette to buy, just call +48 695 986 843 and they will advise you.

Prices of Hungarian vignettes in 2024 in the Wizax store

  • category D1M – PLN 48 for 10 days, PLN 66 for 30 days
  • category D1 – PLN 98 for 10 days, PLN 156 for 30 days, PLN 898 for a year
  • category D2 – PLN 168 for 10 days, PLN 218 for 30 days, PLN 1,119 for a year
  • U category – PLN 86.5 for 10 days, PLN 112 for 30 days, PLN 884.5 for a year

The penalty for not having a vignette is HUF 21,830 (PLN 242) or HUF 87,270 (PLN 965), depending on whether it was paid within 60 days of receiving it or after that time. In the case of a vignette category lower than required, the driver must pay a 50% penalty for not having a vignette. To avoid this type of situation, it is worth getting an e-vignette for Hungary before leaving - you can do it, among others: via the Wizax portal.

This article was prepared in cooperation with WINIETY-WIZAX.PL

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