Festival of Colors 2015

Festival of Colors 2015 – main image

It is getting closer to the Polish festival of colors. A few (or maybe a dozen?) Cities will be teeming with joy, and the huge cloud of Holi powders floating above them will turn each of them into a great dance stage. It will be loud and colorful.

It all started on June 29, 2012 in Berlin, and quickly spread to other cities, then to other countries. In Poland, some people treated it as another frivolous idea of young people looking for entertainment. Just pelting yourself with colorful powder in the crowd. There were also those who saw it as a threat to tradition - because its source is in the celebration of spring native to India. Meanwhile, the Festival of Colors (Holi One) is simply great fun, which is becoming more and more popular, with more and more cities joining it every year.

Festival of Colors 2015

The Festival of Colors is a joyful, spontaneous event for which thousands of people have been preparing for a long time. This is best seen on social networks - people willing to take part in it encourage their friends to share information about the event, there are also videos from Holi One festivals abroad. You can watch reports of games in colorful clouds and see how large amounts of powders sprinkled in the United States and, of course, in India.

Last year, the Festival of Colors was organized in ten Polish cities. What will it be like in 2015? It is already known that the event will take place in Toruń, Lublin, Kraków, Katowice, Warsaw, Łódź, Mrzeżyno, Poznań and the Tri-City. There is still time for applications from other cities, so who knows where else you will be able to play in the multicolored smoke.

It is worth recalling that the aforementioned Colorful Holi Powders are a powder made of natural ingredients. Festival organizers recommend only colors with the necessary certificates (safe for health).

Party for positively crazy people

A colorful party is not only about throwing thousands of powders into the air at the same time. As in previous editions, music will also be heard from above this year's colored clouds. The festivals will be accompanied by concerts conducted by local DJs. There are no restrictions as to age, views, religion, or gender. The only requirement is a positive attitude, a smile and a willingness to have fun surrounded by equally nice people.

Participation in the festival is completely free. So far, the greatest number of applicants has declared their participation in the Color Festival in Krakow (50,000,000 participants), Katowice (46,000) and Warsaw (40,000), but other cities are not far behind. Summer will be colorful!


A writer by profession, a passion of a cat. One day he will see what is behind the Urals - good to Vladivostok. So far, when he can, he enjoys the sun of the countries of southern Europe. And it's also fun;)

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