Sales statistics of new and used motorhomes and caravans in 2022 in Poland

The Polish Automotive Industry Association and the Polish Caravanning Group present the 2022 registration report of new and used motorhomes and caravans, developed on the basis of data from the Central Register of Vehicles.
How many new motorhomes were registered in Poland in 2022?

Another year, the Hobby brand (20.9%) remained the leader in terms of market share, followed by Dethleffs (18.3%) and the third place by the Polish manufacturer - Niewiadów (16.2%).
How many used motorhomes were imported to Poland in 2022?
In the category of used motorhomes, exactly the same number as in 2021 was also registered in the last quarter - 341 units, which allowed to close the year with a result of 1,779 units and a decrease y/y by 11.7% (- 236 units).

How many used caravans were imported to Poland in 2022?
On the market of caravans imported from abroad, in the fourth quarter, 4% fewer units were registered y/y (- 50 units), which closes the year with a y/y decrease of 7.4%, giving a total number of 7,173 units (- 570 units . y/y).

From which countries are the most used motorhomes imported to Poland?
In terms of countries of origin, in the case of imported motorhomes, Germany (708 units) and France (415 units) are the leaders. The third and fourth places were taken by the Netherlands (108 pcs.) and Belgium (83 pcs.).

From which countries are most used caravans imported to Poland?
In the countries of origin of imported used caravans unchanged. Great Britain came first (1,525), followed by the Netherlands (1,507) and Denmark (1,437).

How many new motorhomes and caravans were registered in Poland in 2018-2022?
Worth noting are the registration statistics in the last five years, which show that in the category of new motorhomes and new caravans, we recorded a threefold increase between 2022 and 2018 - motorhomes - 1,877 pcs. to 654 pcs. - a change of 287% and caravans - 1,067 units to 345 units - a change of 308%.

Jakub Faryś , president of the Polish Automotive Industry Association, says: "Although in the fourth quarter of 2022 we did not record any declines in most categories of motorhomes and caravans, the result for the whole year - both in the case of new and used motorhomes - is lower by several percent compared to with the previous year. This is not surprising, because the industry is still experiencing problems with the availability of vehicles, so there are fewer new caravan bodies on the market.
This, of course, also translates into a smaller supply on the used vehicle market. The automotive industry is slowly coming out of the hole and we hope that the current year 2023 will be better than the previous one. The situation on the trailer market, both new and used, looks a bit more optimistic, because here the availability of semiconductors is not as critical as in the case of motor vehicles.
It remains to be hoped that the coming months, when customers will be getting ready for the holiday season, will bring an increase in car sales - including vehicles for caravans. Unfortunately, you also have to bear in mind the increasingly visible crisis, which may cause trouble on the motorhome and caravan market, but it will be completely independent of the condition of the automotive industry.”
Sebastian Klauz , vice-president of PGC, publisher of the Polski Caravaning magazine, says: “After receiving the results of the annual registrations, I was really happy!
In the report for the first three quarters, I mentioned that I hope to exceed the number of 1,900 registrations of new motorhomes in 2022. I wasn't much wrong. Industry forecasts heard behind the scenes were less optimistic.
Now, however, it can be said that the overall market grew in the fourth quarter relative to recent expectations. The stock exchange is known as the "St. Nicholas." Maybe this was the case in our industry as well?
In the fourth quarter, we recorded both an improvement in sales of new and used motorhomes and caravans. This improved the annual results.
It is also worth noting that the positions in the rankings of manufacturers have not changed. The undisputed leader in the registration of new motorhomes is Volkswagen, and Hobby is the leader in caravans. In the case of Hobby, it is necessary to emphasize the huge share in the registration of used trailers - as many as 1,396 out of 7,173 registered in 2022.
What could have contributed to this improvement in the fourth quarter? Certainly, the weakening Euro encouraged those who had been procrastinating for a long time because of the strong currencies to pick up the ordered vehicles. Another factor could be a situation unprecedented for a long time, when motorhomes available "off the shelf" appeared at dealers.
But let's look at this report a little differently. This year, a total of 11,896 motorhomes arrived on the Polish market, and 13,044 last year. This gives a total of about 25,000 motorhomes. It's a huge number. These vehicles will need servicing. Here I would see an impulse for further development of the caravanning market in Poland.”
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