TOUR SALON 2019 - meetings in an expert group

The TOUR SALON fair is an excellent opportunity for tour operators, representatives of travel agencies, representatives of accommodation and leisure facilities, as well as regions to prepare a tourist offer for the next season. They also give the opportunity to discuss issues important to the tourism industry.
This year, during the fair, there will be many meetings prepared with the needs of the industry in mind. On the first day of the fair there will be, among others, a discussion panel with the participation of representatives of the Polish Chamber of Tourism, which will summarize the first 6 months of the new directive amending the rules of conducting business in the tourism sector. Experts incl. they will try to analyze what has worked and what is still in doubt.
As part of the fair, there will also be workshops on Digitization as a driving force for the development of the tourism industry . Their aim is to present how small and medium-sized tourism companies can develop, modernize and how they can engage their clients to a greater extent. The event is intended to support SMEs in the tourism sector in terms of strengthening their position in the field of innovation and digitization.
During TOUR SALON 2019, we will also take a closer look at marketing issues. During the lecture Target groups in tourism , experts will discuss, inter alia, elements that influence customer purchasing decisions. They will also present the most important segments in the tourism sector and present the characteristics of Polish tourists and their online shopping process. A continuation of this meeting will be a lecture on communication with clients and management of opinions on the Internet.
It is worth remembering that TOUR SALON is also an event during which we have the opportunity to meet the winners of industry competitions and plebiscites. This year, we will see, among others, winners of the Róża Regionów competition, the Polish National Touring and Tourist Book Review and the person who will be awarded the Traper award, awarded by the Polish Chamber of Tourism and the MTP Group for the best cooperation of a local government institution with the tourism industry.
The detailed program of TOUR SALON 2019 events can be found HERE . It is worth noting that in addition to industry meetings, the event organizer has also prepared a number of valuable events for the general public, including the TOUR SALON Traveler Festival, which will include, among others, Mateusz Waligóra, Miłka Raulin, Tomasz Zubilewicz and Jarosław Kuźniar.
We also invite you to the CampRest stand, where we will be giving away our latest edition of the "Campings of Europe 2019" guide for free. In addition, this year at our stand you will be able to see the detailed offer of our partner Baia Holiday , the owner of wonderful campsites in Italy and Croatia. A representative of this company will answer all your questions and prepare an individual offer for an unforgettable vacation.
TOUR SALON will be held on February 1-3, 2019 at the Poznań International Fair.
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