Istria - idyll at your fingertips

Istria - idyll at your fingertips – main image

Croatia has been tempting and captivating with conditions conducive to relaxation for years - beautiful beaches, warm waters of the Adriatic Sea, cities filled with monuments, proximity to stunning nature and the possibility of active recreation. Idyllic holidays are almost at your fingertips, in Istria, 12 hours away from Poland. The country located in the north of the country will appeal to fans of caravanning with family and friends. Find out why below.

Geography and climate

Croatia, or rather the Republic of Croatia, is a country located in central Europe on the Adriatic Sea. It borders Slovenia to the west, Hungary to the north, Serbia to the north-east and Montenegro to the south-east. In the middle of the country, in its eastern part, there is also a short border with Bosnia and Herzegovina. Croatia is inhabited by around 4.5 million people and covers an area of 56 535 km2. The capital city is Zagreb and the official currency is the Croatian Kuna. The length of the coast, including the islands, is an impressive 5,835 km. It is worth knowing that the topography differs in the north from the south. The north is a lowland area with low mountains, while in the south you will meet mountains up to 2000 m above sea level. The highest peak in the country is Dinara, 1831 m above sea level. Interestingly, Croatia has a two-fold climate - on the coast it is a Mediterranean climate zone, with rainy winter and dry hot summers, and in the rest, temperate continental - with cooler summers and dry cold winters with possible snowfall.

Camping Porto Sole

The holiday season in Croatia is assumed to be between April and October. During this time, you can expect temperatures around 30-35 degrees Celsius. Temperature fluctuations between day and night are small, and weather changes are rare. It is believed that the sun shines there 300 days a year, but we recommend a trip to Croatia during the summer months. This is when many regional holidays take place, including the feast of truffles and olive oil in Istria.

The most beautiful corners

Istria is full of surprises worth discovering during your holidays in Croatia. One of them is undoubtedly the small town of Rovinj, whose charm has been appreciated by many artists who come to the town. On one of the streets of the city, they sell their works inspired by the surrounding landscape. In the city itself, it is worth getting lost in the narrow streets, slowly reaching the port, near which there is a market with fresh fruit, vegetables and truffles famous all over the country. The city looks impressive especially in the evening, during the sunset admired from the hill on which stands the Church of St. Euphemia with a bell tower. You can continue your tour of Istria in Pula, famous for its many monuments from the times of the Roman Empire. Among them, it is worth mentioning the remains of the amphitheater, where numerous concerts and theatrical performances are currently held. Poreč, although a bit crowded in the season, impresses with its location among vineyards and olive groves, and accessible bicycle paths along the coast. One of the most beautiful beaches in the region is located near the resort, on the islet of Sveti Nikola, which is covered with pine trees.

Camping in Istria

Camping Porto Sole

Among the accommodation in Istria you can find unique campsites at favorable prices. One of them is Camping Porto Sole , situated in pine and cypress groves right by the sea, only one kilometer from the aforementioned Vrsar. Its owners have prepared as many as 767 places for motorhomes and cars with caravans, as well as rooms with bathrooms and a camping site. Guests have at their disposal a gym, a mini golf course and a café. Fans of active leisure in Croatia have a chance to swim in the pool, rent kayaks or diving equipment, ride on marked bicycle paths, and play tennis. Located in a beautiful cove, the facility is open all year round. At this point, you will fully understand the reason behind the popularity of magical Istria.

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Ania Halagarda
Ania Halagarda

I like closer and longer journeys - with an analog camera and a great appetite, because I always like to get to know the local cuisine during the trip. My favorite region in Europe is the Balkans, especially Montenegro, Albania and Bosnia with Herzegovina, which I have visited several times. I dream of returning to beautiful and unpredictable Iceland. I am currently in Southeast Asia.

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