
How to start your adventure with caravanning? 10 steps

How to start your adventure with caravanning? 10 steps – main image

Would you like to buy a motorhome and go out into the world - it's best now. But wait a minute ... Don't act on impulse. Do everything in your power to get to know the topic as much as possible and check if caravanning will definitely become your passion. Let us give you 10 ideas from which you can start your adventure with caravanning.

Everyone started out sometime and everyone was once “green” - so don't worry if you don't already know everything that may seem obvious to others. Search for answers to your questions and ask more experienced colleagues. Fortunately, caravanning enthusiasts are one big family, so most of them will be happy to help you.

1. Get knowledge

A banal advice, but it is difficult to ignore. If you want to know campers, caravans, find out about the rules and amenities available on campsites, look for information on the web. For starters, you can start with the ABC Caravanning section of our portal. Then follow us on Facebook to stay up to date with the information, tips and curiosities we publish. Thanks to this, you will soon know perfectly well "what's up in the grass".

You can also subscribe to online forums and Facebook groups related to the topic of caravanning. This way you will be able to follow interesting discussions and join them yourself.

2. Visit caravanning fairs

For many people, a visit to the fair is the first serious contact with motorhomes and caravans. It is a great experience for them - to be able to see dozens or even hundreds of caravans and motorhomes up close, to "live" compare interior layouts, differences in various solutions, etc.

You will be able to enter most of the exhibited vehicles, and this will also allow you to compare the quality of the materials used, or to see differences in the quality of the finish. In Poland, the largest caravanning fair is connected with the Poznań Motor Show and is held every year in April. Even if you are not planning to buy a new motorhome, thanks to the fair you will gain a much better orientation in the subject.

3. Go to a caravanning rally

Caravanning is vehicles, travels and people. You will meet the equipment at the fair, but you will meet people for whom travel is an important part of life at various meetings and conventions. You will also be able to get to many events intended for "caravanners" without a caravan or motorhome.

The calendar of events you will find, among others at https://pzm.pl/caravaning/kalendarze , and we inform you about the most interesting events on our website and on Facebook.

4. Rent a campervan

If reading about motorhomes and watching motorhomes only reassured you that you must have your own house on wheels ... - no, don't buy it yet! First, check how you handle the controls of such a large vehicle, and if you are not afraid of the need to refill water and empty sewage.

Travel, accommodation, operation of on-board devices - this will be the best science and the best test for your passion. You may need to rent several cars (of different sizes, interior layouts, and equipment) to discover what you really need.

5. Set off on a good camping trip abroad

It may surprise you, but for the first trip we offer a proven camping abroad. But especially at the beginning - without going crazy and minimizing the risk. Using our campsite search engine, pay attention to those places that are conveniently located (e.g. near highways or larger cities, where access will be easy), have good reviews and have a great infrastructure.

We can recommend campsites in Italy and Croatia in particular. There you will find an excellent base of great places for motorhomes and caravans.

6. Choose a camping in Poland

Camping infrastructure in Poland is improving, but so far it is still far from that in Western European countries. That is why we propose a camping trip in Poland only in the second place. Once you've made up your mind, choose a highly rated and well-equipped campsite in Poland . Especially at the beginning, avoid places with poor infrastructure and "wild spots", i.e. places where you can spend the night "in the wild".

7. Determine what camper you are looking for

A few motorhome trips are already behind you and you feel that you can't wait any longer? You absolutely need to buy your own camping vehicle? Then it's time to plan. However, start with completely mundane issues - e.g. what vehicle will you be able to drive with your driving license, will you have a place to park your camper, and if you have a garage, what dimensions the vehicle must have to fit there.

8. Set a budget

It's no secret - a motorhome costs money. New - really a lot, but you will get a several-year warranty for both components and the tightness of the body. You can sometimes buy a used one at a very good price, but the risk may be associated not only with the need to carry out current repairs, but also, for example, with the presence of moisture in hard-to-reach places. So you have to purchase very carefully.

Either way, decide how much money you can spend on buying a vehicle and if you don't want to regret it, stick to that amount absolutely. Try not to be tempted to add a few or even a dozen or so additional thousand zlotys to your budget. The more that the cost of a motorhome is not only the purchase price. Also count how much fuel, insurance, technical inspection or, for example, a motorhome parking lot will cost you per year.

9. Choose the interior layout

You know how much money you can spend on the purchase and what size of a camper (or caravan) you want. You have determined the permissible total weight (usually it will be 3.5 tons in the case of a motorhome) and the years you are interested in. These are important considerations, as is choosing an engine that will give you the power you need while traveling, but won't eat up gallons of fuel at the same time. The problem is, that's not all!

In the case of a motorhome or caravan, your satisfaction with the use of the vehicle will largely depend on the chosen interior layout. It is important how many sleeping and seating places you will need. It is worth knowing that sometimes there are more places to sleep than seats equipped with seat belts! In choosing the right layout, a visit to a caravanning fair and "trying on" different vehicles can help. Pay particular attention to the length and width of the available beds and the ease of unfolding them.

10. Prepare a "check-list"

In terms of equipment, you need to determine what is particularly important to you (and your family). For example, if you also intend to travel in autumn and winter, pay attention to the insulation of the floor and the water tank, and the power of the heating system. It's best to make a list in which you list all the "mandatory" items of equipment. When purchasing, check the available options against your "checklist". Take into account that if the selected vehicle is missing something, refilling it will cost you extra.

Is that all? In our opinion, these are important basics - steps that should be taken from being interested in caravanning to buying your own camping vehicle. Certainly, however, every "caravanner" could add at least a few points. Anyway, go ahead! You can add your own tips for beginners in the comments.


Sometimes it is better to get lost than to ask for directions too much. Aldous Huxley

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