Quick dishes for hot weather

Quick dishes for hot weather – main image

On hot days, the appetite is not as good as on less hot ones, yet we should remember about nutritious meals that give energy to enjoy the holidays. And what can you prepare for a summer dinner?

Summer, especially hot and hot, is a time when we don't always know what to satisfy our hunger. On the one hand, the stomach demands a decent, balanced dish, on the other - just thinking about a hot meal, we sweat. When we add a stay at a camping and the necessity to cook in a camper's kitchen, a dilemma arises: how to prepare a dinner tasty, light and nutritious, and at the same time quickly?

Summer kitchen in a motorhome

After all, salads reign supreme in the summer . A vegetable-based lunch can be very nutritious, and it is certainly healthier than a plate of steaming meat, after which a heavy body demands a "restart" in the form of a nap under the nearest tree. If on vacation we don't want to spend time on such a siesta, let's prepare a salad of seasonal vegetables for dinner, enriched with groats, lean chicken or fish. The resulting meal will be light enough for a hot day, and at the same time filling.

When it is too hot for regular soup, let cooler appear on our table. It is fabulously easy to prepare, thick and nutritious, and, as its name suggests, pleasantly cooling. For an exemplary cucumber cooler , you only need a few ingredients: cucumbers, kefir, cream, garlic and chives, and a few spices such as salt, pepper and hot pepper. Grate the cucumbers on a coarse grater, mix the rest of the ingredients, combine the whole thing and put it in the fridge for a while. Nothing else is needed.

It is even easier to prepare gaspacho . Just chop a few vegetables: a small zucchini, cucumber and onion, red pepper, two tomatoes and a clove of garlic, then put everything into a blender and blend with 3 cups of tomato juice, coriander, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of chili sauce. Finally, cool the whole thing and serve with croutons.


What about drinking in such heat?

In the summer, we have an almost unlimited choice of drinks, from water with ice and mint, through compotes, juices and kefirs, and ending with sophisticated fruit-based drinks. Lemon lemonade will give us energy, and after enriching it with mixed parsley, it will turn into a vitamin drink that improves the condition of hair, skin and nails. If lemon is too sour for us, it can be replaced by grapefruit with its bitter note or a less expressive lime.

Sweet lovers will love the mango lassi - an Indian cocktail made from ripe mango, natural yogurt, milk or water, and a pinch of cinnamon and powdered sugar. It is sweet, but not bland, and at the same time wonderfully refreshing.

Summer is probably the only time of the year when we are happy to lose weight in favor of a slim figure and a tan. However, it is important not to overdo your diet and not to run out of strength. Otherwise, they will not be enough to enjoy their vacation and collect vacation memories.

Quick dishes for hot weather – image 1
Quick dishes for hot weather – image 2
Quick dishes for hot weather – image 3

A writer by profession, a passion of a cat. One day he will see what is behind the Urals - good to Vladivostok. So far, when he can, he enjoys the sun of the countries of southern Europe. And it's also fun;)

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