Safety on the highway

As you know, driving on the motorway is fast and comfortable, but often boring and monotonous. How not to get tired while traveling for many hours? Traveling on the highway is the most efficient & nbsp; of the ways of moving when it comes to long distances. A large number of belts allows you to maintain an average speed and an even pace. Highways are considered to be the safest type of road. We must remember about several important aspects that translate into safe and economical driving.
It is extremely boring during exhausting and monotonous routes. Uniform noise of tires and air flowing around the vehicle, constant speed become extremely tiring in the perspective of several hours. The situation is exacerbated if we have a very comfortable car. Most European routes have stripes painted with a special technique, thanks to which they generate a clear noise after hitting them. Excessive speed is a danger on long journeys in Europe or Poland. If we want to travel safely, we should know how to maintain concentration during a several-hour journey. Sooner or later, we'll get sleepy. How to prevent it?
The most important thing is to take breaks. New cars are equipped with systems that suggest to the driver the moment when he should take a long break. It is recommended to stop once every two hours, because 10 minutes is enough to regain concentration and sobriety of mind for another 300 km. The first signal notifying us that it is time for a break is the moment when we cannot remember the last 10 minutes of the journey. This means that our concentration is impaired, so for your own comfort and safety, a short stop is recommended.
Of course, caffeine is irreplaceable because it stimulates us most effectively. It is worth getting a thermal mug, which we can always refill at the station. It keeps the temperature longer than paper cups. What to do in order not to get bored? It is worth taking a large number of CDs with you to the car or simply downloading a large amount of music to a USB flash drive. Audiobooks also turn out to be a good solution.
Economically via the highway
Smooth driving without braking helps to reduce fuel consumption. On a multi-lane road, we have to think ahead. However, the speed of 120-150 km / h is not the optimal speed. There is one golden rule for long journeys. In order to optimize our ride, we have to anticipate certain situations, because only in this way will we avoid having to brake, accelerate and slow down again. Keep a good distance from the vehicle in front of us, and regulate the speed only before letting go of the gas. Most of the time, that's all it takes. If you have a newer car with the option to switch driving modes, then Eco mode will be the best method.
Economical and safe driving on the motorway requires concentration and sobriety of mind.
This article was written in collaboration with Honda Plaza
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