Trip # 1 Southern Europe by Tripciak Crew

Introduction word:
This is our first report and at the same time such a long journey, so we will start with a few words of the introduction in which we will tell who we are and where our teaser for exploring the world in the bus came from. We are students of the 3rd year of Tourism and Recreation at the University of Physical Education in Katowice. Our fascination, or rather Bartek who infected us with it, started already in his childhood when he saw the Scooby Doo cartoon and their "The Mystery Machine" on TV for the first time, then he began to dream of his own bus in which he could travel the world and experience various adventures like the Scooby Doo crew. After a dozen or so years, he woke up and took matters into his own hands, passed his driving license and started to get a part-time job, thanks to which he managed to save a little money for his dream van. Initially, it was supposed to be a VW T1 or T2, unfortunately, after researching the market and counting the costs of buying a car and parts needed for it, the enthusiasm decreased significantly ... but finding the forum by accident, where he saw the T3 bus immediately caught his eye. Bartek has always liked square cars, he had many golfers and II fans of which he was a fan, so it didn't take him much time to fall in love with a classic square ... he literally just took one photo and a few seconds. The first step to making dreams come true was a long search for the desired house on wheels, half a year of searching, hundreds of advertisements, dozens of phone calls and the t3 bus forum came to help again. We managed to buy a bus literally under the nose, it turned out that only 200m from the place where Bartosz's girlfriend lived, there was a card that met all his requirements, so at the very beginning of February a bus appeared in the yard;) The plans for renovation of the bus and planning the next vacation. The choice fell on a tour of southern Europe because none of us had ever been to Croatia. However, after a dozen or so weeks, traveling a bit around Poland, it turned out that the 1.6TD unit does not cope well with long climbs, and that we love active recreation, especially in the mountains, it turned out to be a change of the busik's heart to a stronger one ... and again the long search for a suitable donor for Tripciak (this is how our T-3 was named). After a long moment of reflection and consultation with Qdaty and Robert, who already had the 1.9TDI swap behind them, we decided that it would be better to buy the whole car, take out what is needed and sell the rest than to complete all parts separately. After 3 months of searching forums and internet auctions, seeing a dozen cars that turned out to be scrap metal, Bartek, returning from university, accidentally noticed a golf 3 standing in the back of the estate with a note for sale. Unfortunately, its visual condition asked for vengeance to heaven, and the car looked as if it was begging for scrapping ... a thought immediately comes to mind - if the car is so run down and eaten by rust, it will be a mechanical disaster, in addition, this exaggerated price ... but what's the problem for me to call and arrange a visual inspection, in the end I have already had so much search, and here the car is under my nose. In a few days it was time to inspect it and, surprisingly, it turned out that the poor condition of the bodywork resulted from the fact that the car was in a warm, damp garage in the winter for half a year in a warm, damp garage where salt could easily penetrate the sheet metal because the owner often left on a business trip for several months and did not even have time to rinse the car. from salt ... but its mechanical condition turned out to be very good, the engine had no leaks, the turbo did not smoke, the car was dynamic after zvagowania did not vomit errors ... it was what we were looking for ... it was time for negotiations in which we had to make the owner aware that no one will give him that much, luckily for us, after the negotiations, we managed to cut a lot from the price and this is how Tripciak gained a dose of heart. Busik landed with Qdate and Robert, who did a good and solid job, so on the day after the swap, we could go on a journey, crushed by the leaves from work.
Day 1 - departure
We got up early in the morning, excited about our trip, and we started to get everything done for the last bus. After night driving, the Tripciak landed for the last inspection and small corrections, and at that time we went for the last shopping. Sharp packing started, which Bartek finished at 1:00 am. After a short nap, we went on tour. Quick refueling and we welcomed the sunrise.
Our first point of the trip was Lake Balaton. At the PL-SK border, it turned out that you do not have a monthly vignette (initially the trip was supposed to last 3 weeks), so after analyzing the map, we went along local roads, thanks to which we saved several dozen zlotys. After crossing the border, our enthusiasm began to fade with each subsequent kilometer, because it started to rain more and more. We kept hoping that when we crossed the mountains we would be greeted by beautiful weather ... nothing could be further from the truth.
Our hopes were shattered by powerful clouds and low temperature. We arrived at Lake Balaton, where we found terrible emptiness like an abandoned town in an American Western, the only thing missing was dust clouds rolling across the street. Lake Balaton, which we know from experience as a bustling resort, welcomed us despite the early afternoon hours with closed shops, deserted campsites, empty streets and, strangely, closed McDonald's where we wanted to use Wi-Fi to check the weather forecast. And so instead of a beautiful day at the lake, we made our first warm meal (mmmm grandma's broth) in an empty parking lot, we took a nap for a while and headed towards the Plitvice Lakes.
We got tired on the Croatian highway and we stopped for another short nap, and at sunrise we started our next destination, the aforementioned Plitvice Lakes. Around 10:00 am we were there. The weather was surprisingly good, the lakes and waterfalls themselves charmed us and made an impression, unfortunately there was one small snag ... millions of retired German and Chinese tourists who effectively blocked every possible alley in large groups. After visiting the Lakes for a few hours, we went towards Zadar, unfortunately we were again tired, intensified by a long walk around the Lakes and torn nerves on the aforementioned pensioners, so we stopped in a roadside bay where we made a quick barbecue and spent the night during which we were awakened by a thunderstorm that lasted almost until the very morning. In the rain and in bad moods, we headed towards the coast - Zadar. What I will write about later when I find a moment :). Meanwhile, a portion of photos from Plitvice Lakes.
Day 2:
After several dozen kilometers of mountain serpentines, ascents and descents and replenishment of fresh water, we reached Zadar at about 11 o'clock. Unfortunately, 7 km before Zadar, when at the gas station we jumped out of tracksuits and jumped into normal clothes, it started to rain ... hmm, it did not surprise us at all . Fortunately, just in front of the city, the sky cleared up, the clouds went sideways, and we began to persistently look for a place to park. When we managed to do so, we set off towards the old town lying on the peninsula, which is flooded from the west with the waters of the Zadar Canal (there we took the longed-for first bath in the Adriatic Sea), and from the east - with the waters of the Jazine bay harbor. We crossed the great walls and found ourselves in the center of the former Roman forum. We took some photos, visited the churches of St. Donatan, St. Maria, etc. On the way to Tripciak we touched the square of 5 wells, then we went to the shore of the Zadar channel and had our first bath in the Adriatic Sea. Unfortunately, it was not too long, because we were running out of time in the parking meter, so we rinsed ourselves, cooled a little and headed towards Šibenik as planned. After about 1.5 hours we got to Šibenik. In the end, we didn't have to complain about the weather because the sky was cloudless and the sun was shining beautifully. We visited what we were supposed to visit, incl. St. James, the fortress of St. Anna, etc ... Of course, we took the most time to photograph narrow streets, where Bartek was delighted and filled up half of the card. On the way back, we went to the market, where we bought fresh fruit for dinner from the babuleńki ... unfortunately they were so delicious that we already eaten them in the parking lot. We learned from various sources of information that there are many interesting coves in Primostein, and that we had to stop along the way, we decided to stop and splash around for a while. Unfortunately, when we got there, the number of tourists and the hardships of finding a parking space effectively discouraged us from taking a sea bath, so we went further along the coast to Trogir, which, according to friends, is as beautiful as Split. In fact, the city is worth recommending. The very center is situated on an island connected by a bridge to the mainland on one side and the island of Ciovo on the other. We were walking around the old town, walking along the seaside promenade, where something happened that did not surprise us at all ... a terrible downpour with drops the size of grapes broke out, and a moment later thunder and lightning came. We ran to the bus, where we changed and we decided to wait out the storm in the car, but instead of stopping the rain, it started to thump harder and harder. We headed towards Split at a slow pace, where we wanted to find a place to stay and go sightseeing in the morning. However, the storm took its toll and just after entering Split, we experienced a paralysis of the city ... Cars literally ignoring the traffic lights entered the intersections, others crammed into the bunk in front of us without using the turn signals, and still others stood on failures blocking the lane ... and it's not because the car has broken down. Pedestrians also did not do anything about the traffic lights and were going under the wheels on a red light ... and the visibility was negligible. Slightly nervous, we decided to remove Split from our sightseeing list and that same night we headed towards Makarska, while looking for a cove where we could spend the night. At night, we were traditionally accompanied by a storm, getting used to pounding the drops on the roof, we indulged in a blissful sleep. Fortunately, when we were scrambling for breakfast in the morning, the sun greeted us from behind the clouds, improving our moods :). . Taking advantage of the opportunity to stand in a traffic jam, Dominika jumped out of the car and ran to buy postcards, unfortunately the traffic jam was discharged and we lost sight of ourselves. To make matters worse, not having anywhere to stay, I had to move and go around the city. Going back to the starting point, the mutual searches began, with the difference that I was sitting in a warm bus and Dominika was soaking wet: D.
It turned out that Dominika, soaked to the skin, also made a round around the city, but fortunately we managed to find it. And so, in practically one day, we managed to visit half of the coast, so we could go to the village of Zivogosce, where we planned a longer stay. We stayed at the Male Ciste campsite, about which there were many positive opinions on various Polish forums related to the subject of Croatia. However, despite our tiny requirements, i.e. a place to park the bus and a bit of fresh water, we were very dissatisfied. The lady owner was very rude and abusive, she answered each of our questions related to the stay with grace. Despite our requests and many vacancies, closer to the beach she directed us to the so-called "Pole Zone", i.e. a place literally at the fence separating the campsite from the bus and several dozen meters away from the booth with electricity (the lady had an interest in it, but more on that later). all places are reserved (we watched these places throughout our stay and no one came for 4 days ...) despite our arguments that we could switch at any time, we did not get anything done ... moreover, it turned out that our extension cord is not enough for electricity booths, so another approach to the cupcake and the one with a nice smile said that she would give us her extension cord by the way, not to mention that she wanted a fee for it and so we had to pay for extending it 30kunas per day ... The only advantage of staying at the campsite was the fact that we met a young Polish couple (they also had a similar opinion about this campsite as we did and they moved elsewhere for the 2nd day), who, like us, liked to walk p about the mountains and told us about the nearby peak - Sutvid, which will be discussed later in the report. On the second day in the morning we decided to move elsewhere due to the fact that at the campsite, the Lady informed us that we were treated as a normal motorhome, not a passenger car ... so we came to the nearby campsites and we landed the sum sumarum behind the fence at the campsite next to. The price was half the price, we could choose any place on the campsite, we paid as for a passenger car, the staff was nice and also spoke English, and the owner came for a chat every evening how we like it at the campsite, is everything OK, or something for us need and by the way inviting us to taste his wines;)
Of course, richer on previous experiences, we asked the receptionist about everything. Due to the beautiful weather, we spent the next days on the beach, indulging in sweet laziness, frying on the beach, diving and sipping cold drinks. We used to go to the beach in the nearby coves, where almost all sunbathers sunbathed, so we also decided not to be worse and jump out of all our clothes ...: P
After a day of sunbathing, returning to the campsite, we saw a grandpa standing on the roof of his motorhome, forcefully pressing his hand into the slit in the sunroof, and downstairs a worried old grandmother who, using words in different languages, tried to explain to us that they were not stealing cars and not to call the police because they "only" snapped the keys inside. We thought about how we could help ... Bartek remembered that on the way he had passed a rusty mesh arming concrete slopes, which, after the work was finished, was rusty in the ditch ... in a few minutes, while maneuvering the wire through the slit in the sunroof, I was able to pull out the keys. Grandma's joy was indescribable, she thanked us by squeezing us so hard for a few minutes that she almost broke our ribs, giving us kisses. We all went our separate ways in good spirits, and we were also happy that we could do a good deed, the more so as the darkness was approaching. Unfortunately, the same thing happened to us on the second day ... but more on that later in the report.
Day 4
We decided to go to the aforementioned peak - Sutvid. The altitude is not that impressive, only 1155m, but the ascent starts at 0m above sea level. The plan was tricky, we get up at 4 am to avoid getting in the sun and we go up. However, after waking up, it turned out that it was still a long way to go before dawn + our holiday laziness took over and we went on the trail between 7 and 8, eating breakfast on the way, i.e. a string of sausage, which we brought from Poland, and tomatoes from our own cultivation, as well as an apple and a banana dla powera: P We started the ascent from a 4 km asphalt road to the village where it bounced into a rocky path between olive and laurel trees. We saw a signpost "sutvid - 4h". Ok, the climb over the sun-warmed rocks and gravel begins, which every now and then falls under our feet. On the Internet, after a long search, we read that the trail is well marked ... unfortunately the post was probably from 2008 and these markings, under the influence of sun, rain and every moment of breaking off rock intervals, largely disappeared. The sun slowly starts to heat up and makes it difficult to climb, fortunately, it was slightly cloudy, which was a relief for our burning heads. We see lizards practically every step of the way, hmmmm, since they are so numerous here, there will certainly also be snakes enjoying the sun bath, you will have to be careful where you stand and grab your hands and bahhh the first snake on our route, fortunately at our sight she immediately ran under the rock, which we walked for safety. The trail is getting narrower and the rocks are sliding more and more. We come to a small forest of about 3m low trees and a million dry and sharp bushes, grrr short shorts can be felt, after the first meters our legs are scratched to the blood. It was obvious that the trail is very rarely used, it has already become overgrown in places, effectively making it difficult to find markings and masking the road. We stand in front of the Forest Wall, hmmm where to go ?! We find trampled footprints, so we follow their path and bahhh a several-meter-long cliff, it probably is not a trail: P We return to the starting point, search again and after a few minutes we manage to find another way. To make it more difficult, we have numerous swarms of flies, which do not leave us alone the rest of the way, additionally, we have not very friendly wasps at gunpoint, which are as numerous here as flies ... we go further, finding the remains of the markings with difficulty. Finally, after about 3 hours, we reach the pass, where the sign "Sutvid - 3.5 hours" appears. What is?!! I think someone who did the markings was after a few glasses of rakia. Okay, whatever, there are signs so we go further according to them ... but instead of going towards the summit, we go down from the other side of the mountain, crossing the rock crevices, and here's the problem, there is a road barricaded in front of us, hmmm, however, the signs go further, so we cross the side rocks and we move on. We come to a clearing with a large stone in the middle with a signpost. Unfortunately, the paint has already washed off, but we manage to decode the inscription ... "Sutvid- 4h" WTF again? !! Okay, we've gone so far, so we keep going, still going down, wondering if we are going well, but looking from the clearing at the rocks, crevices and this time a several dozen meter gulf that surrounds the summit, we think that no one would lead the trail that way ... we go further, going deeper and deeper through the valley into a warm, moist forest, overgrown with moss, the real opposite of the southern approach, the markings disappear from our sight. Dominika after a while, under a pile of moss on the rock, she finds another red and white circle, hmm, so we are going along the trail, but the forest is getting thicker and the path is slowly disappearing. We stop for a moment and think whether to go any further. After a few minutes, however, we decide to turn back, the environment is perfect for numerous vipers present here, so we do not push further and return to the pass disgusted with the defeat, because despite the adversities, we always reached the top. On the mountain pass, we meet an elderly German couple who we passed in the morning halfway. Hehe, we would also like to approach such approaches as they were at their age: P Unfortunately, they did not speak English, so we managed to get along with the sign language additionally using single words from several other languages. Grandpa had a map with local routes, but unfortunately for us, the trail to Sutvid was not on it, and our new friends had breakfast and after a while they went down to the city. During the conversation, it turned out that they live at the same campsite as us;). Also, after a few hours of hiking to sweeten our defeat, we decided to eat bread with pate, nuttel and our favorite raspberry "jamomer" Domiś, which we got from Bartek's grandmother, mmmmy yummy: P When we smeared from ear to ear we were eating our second breakfast, the previously mentioned young Polish a marriage from which we found out about this trail. We thought they knew how to go because it was their second try as the first time they were hit by a storm halfway up and they turned back. We told them about the further road and asked if they knew how to get to the top. Unfortunately, they didn't know either. However, after a few minutes, together we managed to find the correct path that led up the rocks. We decided to attack the summit again, this time in a team of four. The first part of the route we covered was a piece of cake compared to the second one, even climbing cracks in the rain is easier than getting to the top of Sutvid. Unfortunately, we do not have photos, because it was getting so demanding that the camera landed in the backpack because at times it was necessary to use not only four limbs, but the whole body to enter. Every now and then you had to jump over the gaps, climb over rocks that sometimes liked to fall off ...
The marking of the route was also poor, but every 4 heads are better than one and every now and then we managed to find the right way. Unfortunately, the ascent was so difficult that Jarek's wife stayed in the middle and decided to wait until we reached the summit and came back ... we were still climbing hard, fatigue was taking its toll that we stopped paying attention to snakes and other animals. In the end, we reach the ridge and jumping from rock to rock, having a few dozen-meter chasm on one side, and on the other, we walked a bit smaller, we reach the top, but what is it? This is not our peak ... we see 2 more peaks that you have to go through to get the right one. Well, we've come so much, we are going further, even though it totally discouraged us ... Along the way, every now and then we pass more feces in the form of a cake ... hmmm what is it? Goat puffs are normal here, but these? They were in the forest on the north side, are they here, what is it? Jarek recalls that these are definitely horse or donkey cakes on which the park rangers speed around. In total, it looks like a horse cake, we pass fresher and fresher droppings, and finally, in a small forest before the 2nd summit, we find a lair of some animal, there were several dozen droppings, including a few fresh ones. Jarek stated that his theory of guards and donkeys had just evaporated, and together we started to figure out what made these pies. For the sake of safety, we looked around to find some traces, because from time to time a bear may appear in these areas ... unfortunately we do not find any traces, but we are moving on, it is difficult something was here and he lives here, but so it went somewhere we are going. 2 hours pass, and the summit is still not visible ... we climb to the second peak, Jarek repeats as usual "only 20 minutes and we are here" Babla for an hour yes and ass: P After half an hour we manage to reach our peak - Sutvid. Quick photos and we go down, so that we are not accidentally found in the dark ... Hmmm, although we were entering this way, we manage to lose the trail, in the end everything looks the same ... As far as going up was tedious and long, going down turns out to be more difficult ... now you have to jump down on the rocks, where it is easy to slip or trip, which each of us happens several times, fortunately we always manage to save somehow and prevent our teeth from knocking out. We jump and jump, from rock to rock, over the gaps down and so all the time ... it came to my mind what would happen if one of us did something here, neither bear it, nor anything ... without a rescue operation involving a helicopter it will not work, anyway, which we resigned from buying insurance before departure, because where we are going to be so freaking that until the helicopter will have to be called: P I just finished thinking about it and a few moments later ... crevice, pinching the leg between the rocks. I was following her, and it looked quite serious in my perspective, thoughts are swirling in my head - the leg is definitely broken and we will not do without a helicopter ... the fact that Domiś was richer in tears on her knees and elbows, which will surely be scarred as a souvenir (and left: P). We got to Justyna and already at 4 we moved further down towards the pass, where we made a short stop to refill the fluids and started to descend, or rather slide down the gravel. We covered this episode much faster. On the way, we picked a few bay leaves for soup and took advantage of a nice offer from Jarek and Justyna, namely, a camping trip, a lot of relief for the legs, as if we were going to go down this asphalt, this is the chapel: P After reaching the campsite, we immediately went to the bar for the prize, which is a cold beer mmmmmmm, and then immediately cool down and indulge in a soothing massage of the waves our tired bodies. After returning, we open the Tripciak, hang the keys on the hanger inside, Domiś closes the door, I want to go inside and it is impossible, the door is slammed, and both sets of keys are inside. Apocalypse, windows closed, what to do here? !! After all, we will not break the window because we will not leave the car anywhere, anyway, it will scab us at night and on the way ... it was thought to unscrew the ambulance fan on the roof, but it would not be unscrewed without a counter from the inside ... but it turned out that the driver's window was not closed, we made it we force it down a bit, and Dominika somehow managed to squeeze her handle and open the door while standing on the wheel, unfortunately the fairing had to come with her life, which broke when trying to disassemble it.
It turned out that the bolt on the sliding door, which he had already managed to lock, had jumped halfway. Overjoyed by the opening of the car, we begin to cook dinner. After a while, the owner of the campsite comes and asks how it was and how many vipers have we seen, telling us that when going to the summit and generally in the mountains in these areas, every few steps you come across one and they are so French that instead of running away, they put. Fortunately, ours was conciliatory and escaped: P The owner could not believe that we had only found one ... He also said that he had the previously mentioned older German marriage, ask if we had already returned because we were actually behind them, and we did not come back for a long time, and They, seeing that we were not by the bus, began to worry J. After dinner we went to the beach to consume wine in the moonlight and indulge in other pleasures: PI this is how another boring day passed :) We got up first thing in the morning, realizing, that it was time to leave Croatia; (So we ate a quick breakfast and started cleaning and packing the bus, in order to set off in the direction of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the morning. After a few hours we reached the Croatian-Bosnian border, where customs officers looked at Tripciak, There was no major revision, they only checked the Domiś beautician :) However, the customs officer did not quite want to let us through the border, because he wanted to buy us usa ... after several minutes of explaining to him that Tripi is not for sale for any treasures ... we managed to get to the other side. Immediately abroad, we refueled with more than 70 gros of fuel cheaper than in Croatia and we headed towards the Kravica waterfalls, passing numerous wineries and orchards on the way. In the late afternoon we got to Kravice, where we took a bath under the veeery cold waterfalls ... Of course, Bartek could not let go of the waterfall itself, although he would not have been tempted a second time, because a few minutes after leaving the water he heard from some angler that a moment ago his fish were attacked by a viper, and a moment earlier it wrapped itself around the leg of a Pole taking a bath ... We ate our lunch and went to Mostar to see the historic bridge. On the way, we stopped at a roadside stall and bought fruit, which we had enough for the next few days, and we have dried figs until today :).
We got to Mostar, but it was hard to find a safe place to park the minibus ... every now and then a homeless Romanian was approaching us, pointing to a parking place, where he would look after our belongings for a small fee ... it's a pity that most of these places were marked with an envelope , be reserved for Taxi. However, it did not bother them and they explained to us that they are parking lots here and that these streets are under them and it is no problem that there is an envelope there. Being fed up with intrusive parking pseudo-cars, we glanced at the bridge from a distance and headed towards Sarajevo. After all, Mostar is a beautiful city and we plan to come back there again on our next trip :). The road to Sarajevo was not the easiest one. We regret the fact that we covered it at night and we could not take photos, where you drive between several dozen or even several hundred meters vertical cliffs, which are not secured in any way and something can fall on us at any moment: P We heard about crazy Croats, but this is what was happening in BiH surpassed all expectations. After a few hours of driving, the sight of Bosniak in golf overtaking at 3 after the turn in total darkness did not impress us anymore ... and then it was surprising that every few dozen meters there is a memorial plaque ... We drove into Sarajevo at night. We imagined the city in a completely different way and we did not expect such a momentum. We went to explore the old town, and then to look for a place to sleep, but all the parking lots we visited were paid or only residents had entry, not wanting to risk any trouble, we decided to go back to Croatia and sleep somewhere on the road. We hit the highway and, rushing back to Croatia, we waited for the bay of our dreams, iiiii is! However, it was in no way fenced off from the estate and everyone could enter the highway, it was enough to jump over the concrete barrier, which reached my knees. At the beginning, we didn't worry about it and started to unfold the bed to indulge in the long-awaited rest. However, we noticed that an uninteresting guy was staring at us all the time around the gas station, then he took out his phone and after a while there were two of them. Concerned, I took the pepper spray in my pocket and started to explore the area, pretending to go to the gas station. As it turned out, we came across Romanians again. After my modest visit and the ominous gaze of these guys, two more joined their team. Hmmm, maybe it's just an ordinary meeting at 2 am, or they would like to borrow something from us for eternal failure, while we sleep sweetly. However, we didn't want to check their intentions and risk unnecessarily, so Bartek opened RedBull and we went further. After about an hour or two, we finally found a suitable place to stay. In the morning we were awakened by the cat's mow coming from the car ... Bartek looked under the car, but he found nothing, and the mowling continued and it sounded as if the kitten was sitting in the car. For a while we were convinced that the redhead Domiś, whom Domiś fed in Croatia in our absence, jumped into the trunk, fell asleep and went with us on a trip ... We moved our things, we folded the pellet, we open the trunk, and it's empty there ... Hmmmm, what about it comes?! It turned out that some stray kitten decided to take advantage of the warmth of our engine at night and sleep in the chamber. Wasting no time, we made a coffee, devoured our breakfast and set off for Budapest, passing through Croatia again on the way. Taking advantage of the bargain fuel prices just before the border, we filled up with a full tank and a little reserve for our canisters.
We crossed the border of BiH-CH without any problems and after a few hours we were on the other side of the country, where the barriers on the Croatian-Hungarian border were open after entering Szengen, so instinctively, as in the EU, we crossed the border without stopping, but at the moment a running customs officer appeared behind us ... he got a bit nervous and we thought that the incident would start to flap us or even stop us, but with only a grimace on his face he checked the documents and let us go. The weather was terrible to Budapest itself, it was raining and a strong wind was throwing the bus on the way as he wanted ... hands were already getting out of the constant counter-steering and clutching the steering wheel. We got to Budapest. Unfortunately, the weather did not spoil there either, it was terribly cold, which, supported by strong winds, effectively discouraged visiting. We found free parking, put on all the sweatshirts we had and went to conquer the Hungarian capital;). Unfortunately, the castle walls and the parliament were under renovation and we could only admire them from behind the fence. After a few hours of wandering around the city, we had dinner and went on tour again, this time at the sight of TATRALANDIAAAA! At night we drove to Tatralandia, as fans of water fun, we parked on the pole-position and spent the night in the parking lot;) In the morning we cooked a bowl of rice to have something to digest for the whole day of soaking our asses. We were a bit disappointed at the entrance as the part outside was closed due to low temperatures and there were only 5 slides inside. However, around noon, the park authorities decided to open the entire complex, because the sun came out, although the temperature outside was around 13 degrees, we immediately ran outside to see all possible attractions, the best was the boooomerang. When our butts were a little cold, we jumped into the thermal pools and so on ... it was a bit silly, because it is easy to settle down this way, but those were the last days of departure, so what was harmful to us: P After spending almost 10 hours in the water we left the complex and went through the Tatra Mountains to Zakopane. The route was not spoiling, it was wet, slippery, winding and cold, the roadside thermometer showed the temperature of 0 ° C ... and when we reached the top of the mountain, it even snowed. We covered most of the route through the mountains at a speed of no more than 40 km / h. At night we crossed the Polish border and, 10 km through Zakopane, we set up a wild camp next to the French who went to Sweden to earn a living, bought a motorhome there and now they are doing a Road Trip around the East and South, you have to admit a pretty cool option and a good idea :) in the morning we went to visit Zakopane, unfortunately it was terribly cold, and we, unprepared for such conditions, decided not to go to the mountains, but to visit the surrounding monuments. At Krupówki, we bought a bag of oscypek cheese and went on a tour again, this time to Krakow for the Body Human Exhibition. Before leaving, we told ourselves that when we saw hitchhikers-travelers, we would take them, unfortunately we did not meet anyone for 2700 km, until on the way to Krk we noticed Gosia and Maciek, very nice and positively crazy people :) We fed our hitchhikers, who had been calling for a dozen or so kilometers for food, Tripi with oil, which we bought as a spare in BiH, hmmmm, but why was it blue ?! Along the way, in a relaxed atmosphere, we exchanged addresses and experiences from our travels and, taking the two of us to Myślenice, we moved on. In the afternoon we were already at the gates of BHE. The exhibition is very interesting and recommendable, especially the section showing the development of the fetus from only 4 weeks after conception. After the exhibition we went to the casseroles in Krakow's Kazimierz, mmm yummy! Also recommendable :) After consuming the casseroles, we got into our machine and started walking towards the house. In the evening we arrived in Tychy and this is how our journey ended. Ajjajajaj, it's a pity that it was so fast; (Summary of the trip: During the trip, we tried to keep track of all expenses to know how much money we still had to spend. Digging out of the receipts and adding up everything from the notebook, we created a short summary and cost estimate of our trip.
The number of kilometers traveled: 2831 km
On tour days: 10 days
Tripi's crew: 2 people
Number of countries visited: 5
Number of police checks: 0;)
Number of failures: 0 :) (keep up the good work!)
The total cost of a trip for 2 people: ~ 2325 PLN
-fuel: PLN 904
-food, local drinks, fruit, etc: PLN 582
-tolls for parking lots and highways: PLN 130
- admission tickets: 340 PLN
- campsites: PLN 255
-other: insurance, maps, postcards: PLN 115
As you can see, you can have a nice vacation for a small sum :) You can easily go below PLN 2,000, resigning from, among others with alcohol (or save money and instead of going to the bar next to the campsite, run several kilometers to the city and do some shopping in a supermarket: P). We spent a lot on fruit, but who would not resist fresh local fruit ..omomes :)! We also brought home a lot of food, but it's better to have more than then starve or buy them abroad ... fortunately, the expiry date of the products that are left reaches several months ... so they will go with us on another trip: ) The worst thing about tourist towns is that most of the parking lots are paid, but what can you do ?! We saved on vignettes, only where we paid for the highway in Croatia and Bosnia. We hope that the next trip will take place in full force and that the fuel costs will be divided among more people. :)
We are two students of Tourism and Recreation at AWF Katowice who want to visit the deepest corners of the world. Our teaser and passion for adventurous journeys, combined with Bartek's childhood dream from childhood, resulted in the purchase of an old school square - Tripciak :) The idea to buy a bus and tour the whole world was born when little Bartuś, who was only 5 years old, saw the cult fairy tale for the first time Scooby Doo and their crew in the crazy The Mystery Machine ... additionally infected with a travel note from an early age. From that moment, he started dreaming about his own bus, where he will be able to visit the whole world, getting to know foreign cultures, people, curiosities and secrets that the world hides;) Finally, after 16 years of dreams, he managed to buy a worn VW T3, which served almost 20 years as German ambulance - becoming the apple of his eye. After stormy deliberations, together with his chosen one, they named him Tripciak gloBus! We also invite you to our blog: