Froli. A good night's sleep in a motorhome and caravan without unnecessary burden

Froli. A good night's sleep in a motorhome and caravan without unnecessary burden – main image

Probably everyone will admit that a good night's sleep is essential, and its guarantor is a comfortable bed or mattress. And the greatest luxury is a comfortable rest while traveling, which is not always possible - especially in camping conditions. Froli, a German producer and exhibitor at Caravan Salon 2018, however, found a way.

Froli is the first manufacturer of bed systems in the world to introduce plastic spring elements ensuring exceptional sleep comfort in 1993. This is something unique on the market. Their individuality is a great advantage: each element can be optimally adapted to the appropriate hardness, according to the needs and requirements of the body. Importantly, these plastic parts allow the mattress to be ventilated, which extends its life, and is also crucial for allergy sufferers. They can be quickly attached to a special hook structure as well as to a traditional bed frame.


The Froli bed system in practice - how does it work?

The individual elements of the Froli are connected to each other to create a mat. They can be placed close to each other or by changing the spacing between them. How are they attached? Just turn them 90 degrees. The soft elements are designed around the shoulders. The degree of hardness can be adjusted, for example, by adding tension clamps. Such a complex bed system relieves the back - the cervical vertebrae and the spine are supported in the correct manner recommended by orthopedists, and the spring elements are to guarantee optimal air circulation. Advantages only!

Installation of the Froli system in a motorhome or caravan

In the video below you can see how easy it is to install the Froli system in your motorhome or caravan.

Froli on board - a lighter motorhome

Froli bed systems are not only about health and comfort. By installing one of them in your motorhome or caravan, you also save on the weight of the vehicle - you do not need a traditional bed frame and the mattress itself can be much thinner than the one used without the Froli system. It is enough to connect the plastic cross-shaped elements together to form a mat for attaching elastic spring parts, adjust the hardness to your needs and place a mattress on them. Sometimes, however, it is impossible to give up the traditional bed frame - it can be built-in, which makes it impossible to remove. Then you will need a Froli mat (€ 18.90 in the manufacturer's online store), which you just need to fasten with cable ties and place a lightweight mattress structure over it. We will not reduce the weight of the vehicle, but we will not have to interfere with the structure of the bed.


The choice is wide and everyone will find something for themselves, depending on the needs and requirements. Some of the Froli products can be successfully used in alcoves, bunk beds or folding beds. The manufacturer also offers a proposal for slightly heavier people. Flexible spring elements adapt to the body, ensuring a pleasant and healthy sleep. The prices in the manufacturer's store start from 141 € for the Froli Star Mobil - one of the most popular and most popular bed systems.

To sum up: with the Froli system we are not afraid of any unpleasant pressure during the night rest. Flexible elements create a comfortable sleeping surface. They can be matched to any solid built-in bed base in a motorhome, caravan or boat, and relieve it in vehicles without a built-in rack. A great option for those who want to build their own camper van!

Froli. A good night's sleep in a motorhome and caravan without unnecessary burden – image 1
Froli. A good night's sleep in a motorhome and caravan without unnecessary burden – image 2
Froli. A good night's sleep in a motorhome and caravan without unnecessary burden – image 3
Gabriela Fedyk
Gabriela Fedyk

I love the Balkans, Slavic languages, European cinema, minimalism and vegetable cuisine. The love of books disturbs me in minimalism, in vegetable cuisine - trips to the Balkans. ;) I read reports (preferably about the Balkans, how!) And try not to buy culinary books anymore. Whenever I can, I go to the Balkans, and if I can't, I go where I can. ;)

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