How to drive a car with a trailer?

How to drive a car with a trailer? – main image

Prepare well

The law provides for two solutions. The first allows you to drive a set in which a trailer weighing up to 750 kg was attached to a passenger car of any weight (i.e. up to 3.5 tons). However, this does not mean that you cannot drive a heavier trailer. However, if you decide on the latter solution, then the entire set must weigh no more than 3.5 tons, and the weight of the trailer must not exceed the weight of the car that pulls it.

Take into account not only the regulations, but also the fact that the car must have sufficient power to have the power to pull the trailer not only on flat terrain, but also uphill. So if you have a car with a power of 50-60 HP or less, try to get a trailer that is as light as possible.

If you already know that you have the right kit for you, pay attention to the luggage. Heavy items are best placed in the car and lighter ones in a trailer. The heavier content of the trailer is best placed in floor compartments (if any) or well secured just above the floor. It is important that the contents of the trailer do not move during sudden braking or cornering.

Stay ahead in necessity

When getting into a car with an attached trailer, do not expect that you will be driving such a set in the same way as the car itself. If you are embarking on such a journey for the first time, try to be particularly concentrated while driving, so that you can follow the behavior of the trailer every second and react accordingly.

The trailer is not fully integrated with the car, so it will behave in a specific way when cornering and when reversing. To learn to control it properly, drive slower and more carefully, and only overtake other vehicles when necessary and when you have plenty of time and space for such a maneuver.

When overtaking other cars, especially large ones, the pull force will carry you towards those vehicles, while after overtaking them, if you do this maneuver too quickly, you may fall off the track in the opposite direction.

If it is you who wants to overtake, give way to him as soon as you have the opportunity.

Watch out on the turns

When driving with a trailer, slowly pick up speed and downshift beforehand. Also, try to keep a greater distance from the vehicles in front of you, as the braking distance will be longer.

Take turns wide. If you are turning left, try to drive as close as possible to the right edge of the lane, and when turning right, on the contrary - keep to the left edge, which will ensure that not only the car but also the trailer can fit in the right lane.

While driving, try to keep the whole set in a stable position. However, if the trailer starts to rock, brake hard by pressing the brake pedal consistently (without pulsating braking). Long-term braking will activate the trailer's brakes, which will help in its stabilization. If the rocking behavior persists despite driving at moderate speed, the load in the trailer may be incorrectly distributed.

If you need to reverse (e.g. when parking) on the first maneuvers of this type, it is best if you ask the passenger to get out and steer you appropriately from the outside. Once you get into practice, it won't be necessary.

By sticking to these rules, and above all, being very careful and attentive, you should easily and safely reach any destination you choose.


Sometimes it is better to get lost than to ask for directions too much. Aldous Huxley

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