The ecological sticker will soon become an obligation in Poland

The obligation to have stickers at the entrance to city centers and the so-called "Green zones" have been operating in many countries of Western Europe for many years. Also in Poland, work on regulations in this area has been underway for a long time. As it is in Poland - the first bills were total legislative crap, and the original sticker designs themselves were a headache for a medically talented preschooler. Stout heads bent over the subject once again, and it looks like we are approaching the end of the torment.
Clean transport zones
What will the new regulations consist of? Well, the so-called The "Act on electromobility" provides for the creation of clean transport zones in municipalities. Such zones will be allowed for entry by vehicles with alternative propulsion (electric, gas, hydrogen, etc.)
In the original wording, the regulations provided that various types of vehicles could be subject to exemptions and permits based on resolutions of municipal councils. In practice, this would mean that in our beautiful country we would have to obtain stickers for each commune separately. In addition to building a large distribution network, it is also difficult to imagine the amount of space on the windshield of the car that would accommodate this number of stickers.
Universal sticker, PLN 500 fine for lack of it
In the latest version of the sticker, law and order have been introduced, and it is to apply throughout the country. According to the Ministry of Climate: “Thanks to the introduced changes, owners of ecological, low- and zero-emission vehicles, who do not have special plates, will be able to enter zones all over Poland. It will also be easier for owners of cars that will be recognized as admitted to entry in various communes in Poland ”.
The sticker is supposed to cost 5 zlotys, and for the lack of it, when entering the restricted zone, you may be fined up to a fine of 500 zlotys.
The octagonal green sticker pattern published by the resort will contain the following information:
- vehicle production year,
- type of fuel used (P - gasoline, D - diesel oil, M - fuel-oil mixture, LPG - liquefied propane-butane gas, CNG - natural gas, H - hydrogen, EE - electricity),
- the name of the commune that issued the sticker,
- Vehicle registration number.
The Clean Transport Zone is to be built by the end of 2022 in Krakow, Warsaw and other large cities will be next.
I feel best in the form of trade fairs and meetings with enthusiasts. Technical freak. In my life I have dismantled many motorhomes for the first time. Fan of large vehicles, mountain biking and traveling without weight and financial restrictions. At CampRest, I am responsible for all publications on automotive topics.