Emilia Romagna - the UNESCO monuments trail

Emilia Romagna - the UNESCO monuments trail – main image

The northeastern part of Italy has amazing landscapes and, at the same time, the region of Emilia Romagna, full of wonderful monuments and art. This area was created by joining two districts that meet in the capital of the region - Bologna. Emilia Romagna stretches from the Adriatic Sea to the Apennines, and therefore boasts a variety of nature. There are many beautiful, historic cities such as Parma, Modena, Ferrara, Rimini.

The area of Emilia Romagna abounds in lowland areas, stretching in the form of the Po Plain to the peaks of the Apennines covered with forests, the highest of which - Cimone - reaches 2,165 m above sea level. The coastal areas are famous for their beautiful beaches and are a great tourist attraction. Lake Valli di Comacchio is located in the eastern part of the region.

Emilia Romagna and the pearls of UNESCO monuments

The first site in the Emilia Romagna region was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1995. It was the unusual old town of Ferrara , designed by architect Biagio Rossetti . This Renaissance place is considered to be the first symbol of modern urban planning.


In 1999, the Delta Po , not far from Ferrara, and the residence of the d'Este family located near Ferrara (the coastal town of Lido delle Nazioni was also named in his honor) were added to the UNESCO list.

In Ravenna , you will find many fascinating, early-Christian buildings, decorated with beautiful mosaics , which are also included in the UNESCO World Heritage list. This list includes Modena , which has one of the most beautiful cathedrals in Italy. It was built in the 12th century in Romanesque style on Piazza Grande .


In Cesena , there is the Malatestiana public library built in 1452. It is the oldest humanistic library in the world with over 500,000 works , including collection of 59 codes of Pius VII. This facility was also on the UNESCO list.


Bologna , the capital of the Emilia Romagna region, is a university center, but it is also a city of art and culture. In 2006, Bologna was awarded the UNESCO "City of Music" title. The World Heritage List includes legendary porticoes with a length of 38 in the city itself. With the part outside its walls, they reach as much as 53 km.

Tahiti Camping & Thermae Bungalow Park

When we get tired of searching for monuments from the UNESCO list, it is worth finding a good place to rest. In the coastal town of Lido delle Nazioni , surrounded by extraordinary nature, there is the luxurious Tahiti Camping & Thermae Bungalow Park . This place offers many attractions for children and adults.

The resort includes comfortably furnished holiday homes , equipped with a kitchenette, bathroom with shower, bedroom, air conditioning and a functional patio with chairs and a table. There are also lots situated among trees, with sanitary and electricity connections.

The campsite is an ideal place for people who like to relax actively . There are as many as three different swimming pools , including one Olympic-sized. In addition to swimming, you can also practice other water sports there, including surfing, sailing, diving. It is worth spending time actively on the football field, volleyball, playing basketball, tennis or exercising in the gym. Daytime and evening activities organized by the animators are available.


Tahiti Camping & Thermae Bungalow Park also provides many entertainment for children , such as a Mini Club with animators preparing activities for toddlers, a playground, a trampoline and a paddling pool for children aged 1-3 years.

The campsite is distinguished by a very good location . The vicinity of the crystal clear sea is conducive to sunbathing and relaxation, but it is also worth going on a bicycle trip or a trip to nearby cities (Ferrara, Modena, Bologna), organized by the resort.

At Tahiti Camping & Thermae Bungalow Park you will find the Spa Center "Thermae Oasis" and the Wellness Center "Gardens" , where you can revive your body with beauty treatments and take advantage of bathing in water rich in bromine salts.

At the campsite, we have the opportunity to taste not only regional specialties in an exquisite restaurant located there, but we can also get to know the taste real Italian pizza, served in a local pizzeria. There is a bar by the pool where you can cool down with a cold drink, juice or ice cream. There is a grocery store on site, offering fresh bread and other food products every day.

Emilia Romagna - the UNESCO monuments trail – image 1
Emilia Romagna - the UNESCO monuments trail – image 2
Emilia Romagna - the UNESCO monuments trail – image 3
Emilia Romagna - the UNESCO monuments trail – image 4
Piotr Strugała
Piotr Strugała

Italy, Croatia, Spain ... are the countries I would like to come back to every summer. I like to discover new places, whether it is a bustling capital city or a quiet town on a mountain slope.

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Where the dice were thrown – image 1
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Where the dice were thrown
Alea iacta est ("The dice were cast") - history tells us that Julius Caesar uttered these words over 2,000 years ago, crossing the Rubicon River. The event started a bloody civil war that torn the Roman republic over the years. Rubicon formed the natural border of Italy with Pre-Alpine Gaul. The passing of Caesar and his army to the other side was tantamount to a declaration of war. It didn't take long for the waters of the river to run down with blood. Centuries have passed since the events that changed the history of the country known today as Italy . Nowadays, Rubicon no longer creates a border, the crossing of which is associated with making decisions of great importance. Today it is simply a small river flowing from the Northern Apennines to the Adriatic Sea, winding through northern Italy and ending its way at Gatteo A Mare. While exploring the estuary on foot, we come across a bronze bust of Julius Caesar, reminding us of the famous words spoken by the river. Fortunately, today we can cross the Rubicon without getting our feet wet by crossing the wooden suspension bridge. On the other side is the charming seaside resort of Savignano Mare - perfect for a family holiday . Not only people who want to relax by the warm sea come here, but also tourists who want to get to know as many attractions as possible in this part of the Italian coast in their vacation plans. And it must be admitted that it is a great base for visiting nearby resorts. The town is just 5 km away from Cesenatico, with its stunning port, which was said to be designed by the master himself, Leonardo da Vinci, and the charming old town that surrounds it. From Rimini, which is well-deserved as one of the most famous holiday resorts not only on the Adriatic Riviera, but on the whole of Italy - 12 km. Riccione, known as the Green Pearl of the Adriatic, is 25 km away. Further on, there are centers of great historical and cultural importance - including Ravenna, Florence and Venice.