How to remove stubborn dirt from the caravan and camper body?

Regardless of whether we are using a used or new motorhome or caravan, we have to deal with a number of troublesome trifles. One of them is dirt that does not come off under the influence of traditional detergents intended for washing the car body. The easiest way to fight them is to hand over the caravan or camper to a professional - a professional company dealing with detailing will get up to PLN 1,500 for comprehensive protection and cleaning of the car body .
Especially camping vehicles are exposed to frequent contact with resin dripping from trees and bird droppings , these two substances have an extremely unfavorable effect on the paint coating - what is worse, washing them off is not that easy. Similarly, many problems are caused by particles of molten asphalt that stick to the body . Paradoxically, home methods turn out to be helpful. They are not only much cheaper , but also most of the necessary fluids and accessories we have for home furnishings.
We remove resins and bird droppings
Under no circumstances can we scrape dried resin, bird droppings and other things - this will only damage the paintwork. To remove the resin, prepare a cloth and soak it with turpentine or spirit . Then hold the cloth on the stain for a few minutes - if the resin does not come off, repeat the entire operation. The same way we deal with bird droppings , the only difference is replacing the spirit with ordinary vinegar . However, we must remember that long-term holding of a cloth soaked with vinegar to the varnish may leave clear discoloration .
Rims, old stickers and insects on the bumper
Many campers and caravans use rims made of light alloys , their effective cleaning is often difficult - the dust from the brake pads etches into the metal structure . Instead of spending a few dozen zlotys on rim cleaning preparations available in automotive stores, let's try to use household chemicals - for example fireplace or bathroom cleaner . These are highly caustic substances that will remove obvious dirt.
The large frontal surface of motorhomes increases air resistance and the number of insects that remain on the bumper even after washing with traditional methods . In this case, a cloth soaked in spirit is also helpful - we have to hold it on a dry insect for a few minutes to solve the problem.
A little more work and time will be spent getting rid of unwanted stickers , even left by the previous owner. Start the whole operation by heating the sticker with a hair dryer for a few minutes , then to weaken the glue, wipe the sticker with a cloth soaked in spirit or turpentine . Remove any glue residues with the aforementioned cloth.
By using home methods of removing contaminants from the car body, we will spend only a few or a dozen zlotys on the necessary materials - we will pay even several hundred zlotys for dedicated specifics.
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